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-= C64Educational =-

GEnie Commodore File Library

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Library: 17 - C-64 Educational Prg & Games

18330 AIRMENSTEST2.ARC  J.TURNER56 970824 42496
   Desc: Second of 2 parts of airmen's test
18329 AIRMENSTEST1.ARC  J.TURNER56 970824 43008
   Desc: First of 2 parts of airmen's test
17715 FORTEUTLGAM3.SDA  D.PARSONS2 951217 37120
   Desc: Forte games & Utilities
17705 ROBOT MULTIPLY  J.GREEN9 951130 9472
   Desc: Miss a problem, robot kills you.
17704 BIRD SPELL  J.GREEN9 951130 8576
   Desc: Birds help with spelling.
17378 RHYME MATCH  J.GREEN9 950806 7424
   Desc: Try to match two words that rhyme.
17299 SKELETON  J.GREEN9 950707 6144
   Desc: Teaches names of your bones...
17298 ASTRONOMY.SDA  J.GREEN9 950707 26240
   Desc: Moving graphics of stars & planets
17241 LIFE.SDA  K.BRANDON 950623 19584
   Desc: Conway's Life Simulation
17205 MISSPELLING.1  J.GREEN9 950610 7040
   Desc: Lists 5 words, 1 is misspelled.
17192 MATCH EM UP  J.GREEN9 950607 9088
   Desc: match words with phrases.
17129 DECISION MAKER  W.WILEY2 950513 3712
   Desc: help sorting out difficult dicisns
16976 ADD EM SQUARES  J.GREEN9 950413 3712
   Desc: Addition in grid, uses neg. #'s
16948 JAMBALAYA  J.GREEN9 950327 6272
   Desc: guess scrambled words...a goodie!
16876 IDQUIZ.ARC  D.PARSONS2 950220 31104
   Desc: quiz of idaho cities and counties
16875 ELEM ADD-SUB  C128-QT.PIE 950220 5376
   Desc: Addition & Subtraction Quiz
16873 EQUATIONS 1  C128-QT.PIE 950220 7936
   Desc: Equation solving skills
16872 CLERK  C128-QT.PIE 950220 2560
   Desc: Money changing skills
16871 CIRCLE CIR-AREA  C128-QT.PIE 950220 1152
   Desc: Circumference & area problems
16725 ADD CONCEPTS  C128-QT.PIE 941119 5504
   Desc: A two-level addition program
16724 64-STATS  C128-QT.PIE 941119 4992
   Desc: Statistics for Non-statisticians!
16723 SYNONYMS  C128-QT.PIE 941119 7168
   Desc: A drill with synonyms
16721 SPELLING  C128-QT.PIE 941119 14464
   Desc: A spelling challenge for up to 10!
16720 SPELL IT  C128-QT.PIE 941119 2688
   Desc: Can YOU spell it?
16719 RANDOM ANTONYM  C128-QT.PIE 941119 30464
   Desc: Expand your vocabulary!
16718 PT PEPPER B  C128-QT.PIE 941119 12544
   Desc: P.T. Pepper's word recognition II!
16717 PT PEPPER A  C128-QT.PIE 941119 13696
   Desc: P.T. Pepper's Word Recognition
16716 64 SPELLER  C128-QT.PIE 941119 4736
   Desc: A definable spelling program
16715 1LETTER ORDER  C128-QT.PIE 941119 8064
   Desc: An alphabet drill for youngsters.
16714 BASGEOTUT  C128-QT.PIE 941119 3584
   Desc: A basic geometry tutor.
16693 SUBJECT SHOOT  C128-QT.PIE 941111 6016
   Desc: A Sentence Subject Recognition Game
16692 SPEED READ  C128-QT.PIE 941111 2560
   Desc: Test your reading speed
16691 R2DIVISION  C128-QT.PIE 941111 25472
   Desc: Practice Division with R2D2!
16690 PRINT QUIZ  C128-QT.PIE 941111 4480
   Desc: A Computer Quiz
16689 PRES-GIZMO  C128-QT.PIE 941111 24576
   Desc: A Presentation Aid for the 64
16688 MUSIC LESSON  C128-QT.PIE 941111 8960
   Desc: Learn the notes on a Treble Clef
16687 MUNCHMATH  C128-QT.PIE 941111 4608
   Desc: Munch your way through Math!
16686 MUL MASTER  C128-QT.PIE 941111 2560
   Desc: Multiplication Multiple Choice
16685 MATH MAZE  C128-QT.PIE 941111 2560
   Desc: An a-MAZE-ing math game
16684 HANG MATH  C128-QT.PIE 941111 2944
   Desc: Hang Man with Multiplication
16683 FUNCT MACHINE  C128-QT.PIE 941111 6656
   Desc: A fun math machine!
16682 DRILL IE-EI  C128-QT.PIE 941111 4352
   Desc: Practice words with ie and ei
16681 DRILL ER-IR-UR  C128-QT.PIE 941111 6528
   Desc: Spelling drills with er, ir, and ur
16680 COMBINAT WARS  C128-QT.PIE 941111 6656
   Desc: Practice math and save the world!
16679 ADDING QUIZ  C128-QT.PIE 941111 15232
   Desc: Practice your adding skills
16640 GENEALOGY.V3  GEOS-TIM 941029 25984
   Desc: A genealogy program.
16615 GCA-ADD1.SDA  K.BRANDON 941024 17792
   Desc: More files for GRT-CIR.V1.ARC.
16614 GRT-CIR.V1.ARC  K.BRANDON 941024 55936
   Desc: Computes bearing and distance
16006 COREWAR.SDA  D.TUOMI 940920 23936
   Desc: Write battle programs to compete
14603 WORD TEST  C128-QT.PIE 940410 3584
   Desc: Match words with meanings.
14602 TYPY TOES  C128-QT.PIE 940410 7552
   Desc: An addictive typing timer game.
14601 TYPING PRACTICE  C128-QT.PIE 940410 5376
   Desc: A typing tutor.
14600 TYPE IT  C128-QT.PIE 940410 5632
   Desc: How fast can you type?
14599 TOPIC SENTENCE  C128-QT.PIE 940410 19456
   Desc: Learn to use topic sentences.
14598 TICTACARITH  C128-QT.PIE 940410 6656
   Desc: Math - Tic Tac Toe style!
14597 THE BUS BARNS  C128-QT.PIE 940410 10752
   Desc: Practice math and park buses.
14596 SPELLING GAME  C128-QT.PIE 940410 5888
   Desc: A spelling drill.
14595 SIMPLE SENTENCE  C128-QT.PIE 940410 10368
   Desc: A lesson on the simple sentence.
14594 DRILL OU-OW  C128-QT.PIE 940410 4608
   Desc: The 'ou' and 'ow' sounds.
14593 COUNTRIES QUIZ  C128-QT.PIE 940410 2048
   Desc: A word game involving countries.
14591 CINQUIAN  C128-QT.PIE 940410 3712
   Desc: A cinquian generator.
14590 ALPHADOT  C128-QT.PIE 940410 18176
   Desc: Spelling, math, & shape recognition!
14554 UNIT CONVERSION  C128-QT.PIE 940320 6400
   Desc: Convert Metric <- -> English units
14553 PERIODICTABLE  C128-QT.PIE 940320 6016
   Desc: Learn symbols and valances of elem's
14552 OHM  C128-QT.PIE 940320 10496
   Desc: OHM's Law Calculator
14551 NUCLEAR POWER  C128-QT.PIE 940320 22784
   Desc: How do Nuclear Power Plants Work?
14550 NAME NOTES  C128-QT.PIE 940320 2944
   Desc: Learn to read musical notes!
14543 MATH-IS-FUN  C128-QT.PIE 940319 11520
   Desc: Math with sound effects!
14542 MULTIPLY TIMER  C128-QT.PIE 940319 1792
   Desc: Time your multiplication responses!
14541 MULTIPLY TABLES  C128-QT.PIE 940319 640
   Desc: Continuous Multiplication Tables.
14540 MULTI GARDEN 64  C128-QT.PIE 940319 8448
   Desc: Guess correctly and be rewarded!
14539 MULTIPLICATION  C128-QT.PIE 940319 7680
   Desc: Practice multiplying 3 digit numbers
14538 MATRIXMULTIPLIER  C128-QT.PIE 940319 1792
   Desc: Multiplies two matrices.
14537 MATH-A-FIGURE  C128-QT.PIE 940319 1408
   Desc: Computes math problems for you!
14536 MATH-64  C128-QT.PIE 940319 4096
   Desc: Test your accuracy & speed with Math
14535 MATH WIZ  C128-QT.PIE 940319 2688
   Desc: Solves a variety of math problems!
14534 MATH TEST PRT  C128-QT.PIE 940319 1920
   Desc: Print out math tests!
14533 MATH TEST  C128-QT.PIE 940319 2816
   Desc: Test your math skills!
14532 MATH TEACHER  C128-QT.PIE 940319 7168
   Desc: A math tutor & tester in one!
14531 MATH QUIZ  C128-QT.PIE 940319 3072
   Desc: Master your multiplication!
   Desc: Greeting card like printshop card
14529 I READ ALOUD  S.EYRSE 940318 16768
   Desc: This will read SEQ files aloud.
14459 ANIVEGMIN  L.SCHONDER 940303 10496
   Desc: CBM Educational Software
14458 BOYLE'S LAW  L.SCHONDER 940303 14336
   Desc: CBM Educational Software
14176 MATH ON KEYS  C128-QT.PIE 940127 36096
   Desc: An EXCELLENT Math Aid!!!
14175 MATH HELPER  C128-QT.PIE 940127 1024
   Desc: Solve those Math Problems!
14174 MATH HELP V4  C128-QT.PIE 940127 6272
   Desc: 3rd & 4th Grade Math Helper.
14173 PITCH SWITCH  C128-QT.PIE 940127 3072
   Desc: Recognize Pitch differences!
14172 WORDFIND REV.3  C128-QT.PIE 940127 3968
   Desc: Create Word Find Puzzles on the 64!
14171 C64-AVERAGER  C128-QT.PIE 940127 12032
   Desc: A Grade averager pgm for the 64.
14168 CALCULATE V1.2  C128-QT.PIE 940126 2304
   Desc: The Calculator for the C-64!
14167 C-METRICS  C128-QT.PIE 940126 16768
   Desc: A Metric/English Conversion Pgm.
14166 BINOMIAL MULT  C128-QT.PIE 940126 2432
   Desc: Help with binomial multiplication.
14144 BAR GRAPH  C128-QT.PIE 940117 2560
   Desc: Easily create bar graphs on your 64!
14143 AREA2  C128-QT.PIE 940117 5760
   Desc: Solve area problems on the 64.
14142 AIR BRAKES  C128-QT.PIE 940117 19456
   Desc: What stops an 18-Wheeler???
14141 ADDING MACHINE  C128-QT.PIE 940117 1408
   Desc: Convert your 64 into an adding mach!
14140 ADD CARDS  C128-QT.PIE 940117 6912
   Desc: Put your math skills to the test.
14139 ACCEL GRAVITY  C128-QT.PIE 940117 2688
   Desc: Create quizzes and tests and more.
14138 KINDR MATH  C128-QT.PIE 940117 9216
   Desc: Practice addition & subtraction.
14137 KEEP  C128-QT.PIE 940117 768
   Desc: An on-screen point plotter.
14136 INSTA GRAPH  C128-QT.PIE 940117 1664
   Desc: Instantly graph your equations.
14125 HEX CONVERTER  C128-QT.PIE 940112 1792
   Desc: Convert Hex to Decimal for the 64.
14124 GEOSOLVE  C128-QT.PIE 940112 10880
   Desc: A Geometry Problem Solver for the 64
14123 GENE6  C128-QT.PIE 940112 3200
   Desc: Gene Frequencies for the 64.
14122 FUN MATH V3.5  C128-QT.PIE 940112 4352
   Desc: A Math helper for grades 3 and 4.
14121 FLASH CARDS  C128-QT.PIE 940112 4096
   Desc: Computerized Flash Cards.
14120 FINGER-MULTIPLY  C128-QT.PIE 940112 1536
   Desc: Multiply using your fingers!
14119 FACTORS  C128-QT.PIE 940112 3840
   Desc: Polynomial factoring & Long Dividing
14118 F AND C  C128-QT.PIE 940112 1408
   Desc: Convert between Fahrenheit & Celsius
14117 ENG-INFO  C128-QT.PIE 940112 12544
   Desc: Engineering Information for the 64.
14116 EMPIRFMLA  C128-QT.PIE 940112 3584
   Desc: Calculate the AMU of an element.
14104 MAKE A FACE  C.HALL5 940110 8320
   Desc: preschool game
14093 EIGEN  C128-QT.PIE 940106 5760
   Desc: Eigenvalue & Eigenvector finder.
14092 DIVISION TABLES  C128-QT.PIE 940106 512
   Desc: Continuous division tables for C-64.
14091 DIVISION  C128-QT.PIE 940106 8320
   Desc: Time to practice long division!
14090 DIV WORKSHEET  C128-QT.PIE 940106 2304
   Desc: Create & Print Division Worksheets.
14089 CUBIC YARDS V1.0  C128-QT.PIE 940106 6912
   Desc: Calculate cubic yardage - 64 or 128.
14083 CUBES  C128-QT.PIE 940103 2432
   Desc: Cubes and Cube Roots for the 64.
14082 CONVERT FRACTION  C128-QT.PIE 940103 9344
   Desc: Convert decimals to fractions!
14081 CONVERSION.2  C128-QT.PIE 940103 4352
   Desc: Printout conversion charts on the 64
14080 CONVERSION  C128-QT.PIE 940103 20096
   Desc: Perform up to 107 Conversions!
14078 3 BIG PROGRAMS  C128-QT.PIE 940103 3584
   Desc: Color Clock, Screen Titler, & game!
14068 WORD LADDER  C128-QT.PIE 940101 13952
   Desc: Fun with words for the Commodore 64!
14067 TRIANGLES II  C128-QT.PIE 940101 3840
   Desc: Creates triangles from your input.
14066 TEXT ANALYSIS  C128-QT.PIE 940101 7808
   Desc: Measures Fog & Fry indexes.
14065 TEST WRITER  C128-QT.PIE 940101 12544
   Desc: Create your own tests on the C-64.
14064 TEMP-CONVERSION  C128-QT.PIE 940101 2176
   Desc: Fahrenheit to Celsius or vice-versa.
14063 T.D.SCALC  C128-QT.PIE 940101 1792
   Desc: A Distance/Time/Speed Calculator.
14062 SUBTRACTION1  C128-QT.PIE 940101 1152
   Desc: Build your subtraction skills.
13982 SPRITE TUTOR.SFX  C128-QT.PIE 931219 16640
   Desc: Learn how to make Sprites on the 64!
13981 SPANISH  C128-QT.PIE 931219 7680
   Desc: A Spanish Translator for the C-64!
13980 SHAPES2  C128-QT.PIE 931219 13312
   Desc: Helps kids differentiate shapes.
13908 RHYME CONCEN  QT.PIE 931128 6656
   Desc: A rhyming concentration game.
13907 Q-ROME  QT.PIE 931128 896
   Desc: A Roman Numeral converter.
13906 PRACTICE MATH14  QT.PIE 931128 2688
   Desc: An indepth math tutor for all ages.
13905 PHONCENTRATION  QT.PIE 931128 17536
   Desc: Concentration with vowel sounds.
13883 PERIMETER  QT.PIE 931120 512
   Desc: A perimeter problem solver.
13882 NUMERIC AVERAGER  QT.PIE 931120 2944
   Desc: A Grade Averager.
13881 NEWTONS METHOD  QT.PIE 931120 2048
   Desc: Find the roots of equations.
13880 NEW ZEALAND  QT.PIE 931120 6144
   Desc: Hangman and New Zealand.
13833 NEW STATES-CAPS  QT.PIE 931113 13696
   Desc: A States & Capitals Drill.
13832 NAME RECORDS  QT.PIE 931113 4992
   Desc: A name list database for the 64.
13831 MULTIPLICATION1  QT.PIE 931113 1152
   Desc: A multiplication quizzer.
13830 MATRIX.INV  QT.PIE 931113 1280
   Desc: Find the inverse of any matrix.
13809 VERTGRAPH  QT.PIE 931106 4608
   Desc: A vertical bar grapher.
13808 SUPER PRIMES  QT.PIE 931106 1920
   Desc: List prime #'s up to the # 14,750.
13807 SUBTRACTION  QT.PIE 931106 9344
   Desc: Practice your subtraction skills.
13806 STELLAR-CALC  QT.PIE 931106 9088
   Desc: Convert Kilometers to Light Years.
13805 SQUARE ROOTS  QT.PIE 931106 1280
   Desc: Find the square roots of numbers.
13804 SLOPE FORMULA  QT.PIE 931106 640
   Desc: Find the slope of a polynomial.
13803 SIMULATION.C3  QT.PIE 931106 12288
   Desc: How a computer follows a program.
13802 RT.TRIANGLE  QT.PIE 931106 9728
   Desc: Help with right triangle formulas.
13801 ROOT GUESSER  QT.PIE 931106 1408
   Desc: Determine roots.
13800 ROMAN NUMERALS  QT.PIE 931106 3712
   Desc: A Roman Numeral Quiz.
13799 RESONANCE  QT.PIE 931106 1408
   Desc: Calc. Resonant Freq. for inductors.
13798 QUADRATIC  QT.PIE 931106 768
   Desc: Help for quadratic equations.
13797 PYTHAGOREAN TRIP  QT.PIE 931106 384
   Desc: A Pythagorean Triple Generator.
13796 PRIME V2.4  QT.PIE 931106 1024
   Desc: Test for prime numbers.
13795 PRIME NUMBERS  QT.PIE 931106 1664
   Desc: Find out which numbers are prime.
13793 PRICER.CALC  QT.PIE 931106 6144
   Desc: A calculator for your 64.
13786 BREWER3.SFX  D.VARGO 931102 25600
   Desc: The last of Brewer Math!
13785 BREWER2.SFX  D.VARGO 931102 27264
   Desc: More great Brewer Math tutor files!
13784 BREWER1.SFX  D.VARGO 931102 38912
   Desc: Brewer Math Tutor!
13604 RUTHERFORD  THE.OUTLAW 931014 5120
   Desc: A particle experiment
12798 ABCSORT.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930704 25984
   Desc: An Alphabetical List Sorter!
10446 LEXIKOS-9.0.ARC  CBM-MARK 921113 59904
   Desc: Latest version of LEXIKOS
10432 A+(PART1).ARC  CBM-MARK 921109 52480
   Desc: Part 1 of A+ Testing package
10431 A+(PART2).ARC  CBM-MARK 921109 27136
   Desc: Part 2 of A+ Testing package
10046 BUSBARNS64.SFX  JBEE 920903 9472
   Desc: cute word learning game with a bus
10044 STATES-AND-CAPS.SFX  JBEE 920903 7680
   Desc: learn your states and capitols
9801 ASTROLOGY64.ARC  R.BOSE 920628 48640
   Desc: astrology calc program
9800 ASTROLOGY64.TXT  R.BOSE 920628 16768
   Desc: astrology calc on C-64
8325 STATES AND CAPS  E.DURKIN1 901015 12600
   Desc: Quiz on States and their Capitals
8323 WORLD CAPITALS  E.DURKIN1 901014 11340
   Desc: Quiz on capitals of the world.
8322 GEOGRAPHY TERMS  E.DURKIN1 901014 15120
   Desc: Demonstrates/tests on 8 geog terms
8321 ENGLAND MAP  E.DURKIN1 901014 15120
   Desc: Prints map of England to 1525prntr
8066 CHESS TUTOR2.SDA  COMP-U-CRAFT 00701 39060
   Desc: Tracer Bullets show influence.
7501 READING.ARC  E.G.BELL 891026 40320
   Desc: Reading teacher program for children
7403 MATH24.SDA  FRENCHIE 891008 10080
   Desc: Educational math prg for the 64
7172 KINDER MATH 2D  DRLCHATHORN1 90722 12600
   Desc: beginner's math. add, sub, div, mult
5986 POLICESUBT  FRENCHIE 880707 11340
5985 POINTS  FRENCHIE 880707 15120
5984 PLANES  FRENCHIE 880707 11340
5983 PIZZA  FRENCHIE 880707 12600
5981 MORTGAGE  FRENCHIE 880707 12600
   Desc: C-64 educational game (math)
   Desc: C-64 educational game (math)
5979 MIXEDNUMBERS  FRENCHIE 880707 10080
   Desc: C-64 educational game (math)
5959 METRIC(ECCO)  FRENCHIE 880702 11340
   Desc: C-64 educational game (math)
5952 POS.SDA  K.FREER 880626 23940
   Desc: parts of speech edu-game in SDA form
5936 NUMBER GUESS  FRENCHIE 880625 11340
   Desc: C-64 educational game (math)
5691 A-PLUS DOC.ARC  R.CROSWELL 880321 18900
   Desc: docs for a-plus 6.2 (file #5690)
5690 A-PLUS 6.2.ARC  R.CROSWELL 880321 73080
   Desc: Create multi-choice, T/F tests
5634 BASIC MATH  F.BLOOMER 880312 11340
   Desc: Teaches and drills proProviedes prac
5633 JELLYBEAN MATH  F.BLOOMER 880312 13860
   Desc: Teaches the basic multiplicationmult
5632 DIVISION.SDA  F.BLOOMER 880312 10080
   Desc: Teaches basic division fatcts
   Desc: easy grade calculator
4997 MATH FLASH.SDA  HWILLIAMS 871031 8820
   Desc: Flashcard type math practice.
3925 PERIODIC TABLE  TIGLON.G 870427 10080
   Desc: Learn your Elements!
3924 64 TESTER  TIGLON.G 870427 7560
   Desc: Test The Parts of your CBM System
   Desc: Real Word to Pig Latin
3035 MORSECDPRAC.ARC  TIGLON.G 870102 3780
   Desc: Practice Morse Code
2973 KIDGAME-COMAL.ARC  TOXDOC 861231 6300
   Desc: PreSchool Letter Word Graphics
   Desc: Multiplication Drills
1741 CODE TRAINER V2.3  TIGLON.G 860807 11340
   Desc: Learn your Morse Code!!


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