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-= C128Software =-

GEnie Commodore File Library

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Library: 25 - C-128 Software to Go

18204 LRR25.SFX  M.FELLOWS 960820 24944
   Desc: MS-DOS<>C128 File copier
18165 GUITAR TUNER  M.DEMING 960807 768
   Desc: Use the 128 to tune your guitar
18153 MIKES READER V2  M.DEMING 960804 1792
   Desc: A seq. file reader for the 128
17862 EZLDR3-3.SFX  T.PHELPS4 960329 46576
   Desc: disk utility
17861 LOTTO-2.SFX  T.PHELPS4 960329 41088
   Desc: Lottery program for the C128
17860 LOTTO-1.SFX  T.PHELPS4 960329 38400
   Desc: Lottery program for the C128
17693 BROWSER-UG.ARC  E.BOURDON1 951120 25984
   Desc: The Latest upgrade to Browser.
17637 STICK FIGURES  J.GREEN9 951019 1536
   Desc: C-64 odd ball program, 40 figures.
17324 BROWSER2.SFX  B.MASSE 950715 24320
   Desc: file reader c-128 80 col mode
17210 STUDIO38.SFX  E.BOURDON1 950613 37888
   Desc: Sound Studio 3.8 for the 128
17058 UNIX311D.SFX  C128-QT.PIE 950429 41856
   Desc: Mini Unix OS for the C128
17056 UNIX311C.SFX  C128-QT.PIE 950429 45184
   Desc: Mini Unix OS for the C128
17055 UNIX311B.SFX  C128-QT.PIE 950429 45568
   Desc: Mini Unix OS for the C128
17054 UNIX311A.SFX  C128-QT.PIE 950429 45568
   Desc: Mini Unix OS for the C128
16470 MM128-V6.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 40192
   Desc: Mci Maker V6 for the 128
16466 128WARZ-ORG.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 40960
   Desc: 128 cataloging program
16092 FLICKERMAC 5.0  E.BOURDON1 940926 6656
   Desc: Macpaint viewer/editor for the 128
15940 DAILY DIARY  B.GANN1 940915 6784
   Desc: Put your diary on your computer!
15924 OUTLINE MAKER128  B.GANN1 940915 13568
   Desc: Design an outline 80 col
15922 FILE MASTER V1.5  B.GANN1 940915 23552
   Desc: Free form database
15910 MAILCALL 128  B.GANN1 940914 38528
   Desc: address book
15897 CAR COST V3.1  B.GANN1 940914 17536
   Desc: Various car costs totalled
15668 TAROT-80  E.BOURDON1 940827 27520
   Desc: A Tarot card reader for the 128.
15384 WATCHMAKER.ARC  D.BELTER 940813 20608
   Desc: A Fractal Program for 128.
15382 SIMFILE.ARC  D.BELTER 940813 17536
   Desc: A simple file program for the 128
15346 FACEBNDR128.SDA  D.BELTER 940810 28288
   Desc: Let's you make faces on your 128!
15212 STUDIO37.SFX  G.STAGLIANO 940802 38784
   Desc: Sound studio 3.7 plays wave files
15140 LRR200.SFX  G.MORANEC 940726 28928
   Desc: Copy MS-DOS disks (even HD)
15139 SUPRFILE.SFX  G.MORANEC 940726 33280
   Desc: Catalogues disk directories
14804 ULTRAHIRES1.SFX  JBEE 940503 37632
   Desc: An 80 column graphic package
14803 ULTRAHIRES2.SFX  JBEE 940503 17408
   Desc: An 80 column graphic package
14635 NZP128-01.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 940422 17920
   Desc: For use with QWKRR - unzip
14221 AMORTIZE 128.SDA  S.GILLETT2 940130 10496
   Desc: Output to screen (80 col) or printer
14151 QWIKVIEW  M.COCHRANE2 940120 1280
   Desc: A seq file viewer for c128 80 col.
14087 PAYMENT-128.SDA  S.GILLETT2 940105 4864
   Desc: Loan Payment Calculator 40/80 col.
13811 TWSHELP.SDA  TOM.PATCH 931107 48640
   Desc: Help file for The Write Stuff
13524 SENTINEL.SFX  CBM-ED 931013 44672
   Desc: This is an update of Sentinel
13442 ZOUNDS21!.SDA  M.NEUS 930929 54400
   Desc: Digital Audio on the C128 V 2.1
13268 DONPOL 128  PLACON 930905 768
   Desc: question and funny answers!
13267 ROBOT 2000  PLACON 930905 1536
   Desc: draws a robot!
13266 BUILDING  PLACON 930905 1536
   Desc: draws picture of a building
13265 THE STRONG MAN  PLACON 930905 1792
   Desc: draws picture of a man
13141 CALENDAR.128-80  SKIZ 930822 1664
   Desc: Nice 80-col onscreen calendar
12958 SUN  PLACON 930730 640
   Desc: draws a pix of the sun w/music
12957 NINJA MASTER  PLACON 930730 384
   Desc: draws a picture of a ninja
12956 PACMAN 128  PLACON 930730 512
   Desc: draws a picture of the PAC-MANs
12955 BART SIMPSOM  PLACON 930730 768
   Desc: draws a picture of Bart Simpson
12954 SKATEBOARD128  PLACON 930730 512
   Desc: draws a skateboard
12953 HOUSE128  PLACON 930730 2176
   Desc: draws a picture of a house & yard
12952 DINOSOUR  PLACON 930730 1408
   Desc: draws a dino picture like J.Park
12951 CAT  PLACON 930730 512
   Desc: this draws a picture of a cat
12950 ABE LINCOLN  PLACON 930730 1152
   Desc: draws a picture of abe lincoln
12949 FELIZ NAVIDAD  PLACON 930730 1280
   Desc: xmas graphic and sound
12948 RADIO  PLACON 930730 1664
   Desc: draws a picture of a radio
12947 MOON  PLACON 930730 256
   Desc: draws a picture of the moon
12946 PIANO PLAY V1  PLACON 930730 1280
   Desc: convert your keyboard to a piano
12945 SOLAR SYSTEM 128  PLACON 930730 768
   Desc: c128,40 columns,picture,basic,solar,
12944 PLANE 128  PLACON 930730 1152
   Desc: this draws a picture of a plane
12818 VDC 80 ADDRESSES  CBM-ED 930711 768
   Desc: Create Address Table for VDC RAM
12809 ZNDS201.SDA  M.NEUS 930707 16256
   Desc: Zounds 2.01 incremental upgrade
12573 CHECKBOOK128.SFX  C.LAVOIE 930531 13184
   Desc: The two Checkbook files by C.Lavoie
12572 CHECKBOOK128.DOC  C.LAVOIE 930530 6144
   Desc: instructions for checkbook128
12547 CHECKBOOK128  C.LAVOIE 930523 12032
   Desc: keep track of your accounts on disk
12424 NEAT80.C128  C.STEWART15 930502 2048
   Desc: a neat screen display
11221 ZOUNDS2.SDA  S.GILLETT2 930223 54144
   Desc: Digitized Sound on the C-128!
10622 CALENDAR128.SDA  R.CROSWELL 921213 21632
   Desc: calendar set for commodore 128
10467 EPSONPC3.SFX  J.PEEPLES 921115 12800
   Desc: PaperClip 3 drivers for new Epsons
10411 FUELMIX.40-80  SKIZ 921108 1024
   Desc: 2 cycle engine fuel/oil utility
10408 TSDS128.ARC  B.LUCIER1 921107 768
   Desc: boot tsds-128 on any drive
10359 SIMLIST.DOC.ARC  CBM-MARK 921030 3840
   Desc: Short doc file for SL V55.80
10310 ACE-128-R3.SFX  R.KNOP1 921023 12800
   Desc: Pre-release of 128 command shell
10197 WEIRDNESS.ARC  CBM-MARK 921008 512
   Desc: Falling box random graphic
10031 ECONO-LBR128.SFX  JBEE 920831 15872
   Desc: A small db/label maker - 80 columns
9966 SLIDE-JBEE.SFX  JBEE 920810 25088
   Desc: make a slide show on the C-128
9960 MES128SAMPLE.ARC  M.DULSKI1 920806 4608
   Desc: Bitmap created with MES-128
9959 MES-128V026.ARC  M.DULSKI1 920806 27520
   Desc: Mandelbrot generator & explorer
9946 128FINANCIAL.SFX  JBEE 920803 17024
   Desc: 128 financial factory
9830 BLACK BOOK 128  SKIZ 920702 4352
   Desc: Autodialing phone book
9688 SENTINEL.ARC  CBM-ED 920507 57216
   Desc: REL file based Checkbook C128 prg
9650 DM0.2.ARC  PAUL-MB 920420 7936
   Desc: DISKMEISTER version 0.2 (demo vers)
9646 MATRIX.ARC  E.G.BELL 920418 76032
   Desc: printer character editor
9635 SATBASEV1.1.SDA  M.PUGLIESE 920417 55936
   Desc: TVRO dealer's database program
9615 UNIX310.README  R.KNOP1 920410 2048
   Desc: Information on using Unix128 v3.10
9614 UNIX310D.ARC  R.KNOP1 920410 51072
   Desc: Part 4/4 of Unix128 v3.10
9613 UNIX310C.ARC  R.KNOP1 920410 62080
   Desc: Part 3/4 of Unix128 v3.10
9612 UNIX310B.ARC  R.KNOP1 920410 47872
   Desc: Part 2/4 of Unix128 v3.10
9611 UNIX310A.ARC  R.KNOP1 920410 64128
   Desc: Unix for C128 v3.10
9558 CMLDEMO.SFX  C.REINKE2 920329 22912
   Desc: Charley's Mail List Demo
9505 128PGFLPR.SDA  L.DICKINSON1 20306 16256
   Desc: Seq file page flipper - 80 col
9499 ZOUNDS!.SDA  S.GILLETT2 920302 37632
   Desc: Digitize/Playback/Save Voice/Music
9454 128CALENDAR.ARC  PAUL-MB 920217 8704
   Desc: Vers. 2.0 / GEnie Events Calendar!
9453 LARGESEQPR.ARC  PAUL-MB 920216 13312
   Desc: Large SEQuential Print for the 128
9434 V128.SHIP80.SFX  JBEE 920209 34560
   Desc: animation file for video128
9433 VIDEO128.A.SFX  JBEE 920209 28416
   Desc: animation program for the c128
9432 VIDEO128.B.SFX  JBEE 920209 45568
   Desc: an animation program for the C128
9431 VIDEO128.C.SFX  JBEE 920209 20096
   Desc: a animation maker for the c128
9344 COOKBOOK-128.ARC  R.CROSWELL 911214 84864
   Desc: 80 column cookbook with recipes
9154 CHEDITOR C128  H.HERMAN1 910904 9216
   Desc: C128 80col screen character editor
9145 DIR.PRINT.SDA  L.DICKINSON1 10824 5888
   Desc: Compressed Dir print
9136 80COL.LDR  L.DICKINSON1 10819 1664
   Desc: 128 80 Column Program Loader
9009 RC CAR TRANS RATIO 128  LOWELL.F 910711 6656
   Desc: Print Transmission Ratio For RC CARS
8870 DIGILOTTO15.SDA  DIGITAL.DAZE 10515 37376
   Desc: v1.5 of the C-128 lottery/database
8826 PBSUPC128V2.SFX  H.HERMAN1 910501 12032
   Desc: Universal Product Code Creator
8825 PBSUPC128V1.SFX  H.HERMAN1 910501 15232
   Desc: Universal Product Code Creator
   Desc: generates touchtones
8804 AUTHENTICALC II  R.WOODALL1 910421 4096
   Desc: Onscreen calculator for 128
8796 EASYLABEL 128  R.WOODALL1 910419 3584
   Desc: prints disk labels
8732 MILE_A-B  M.NOWOWIEJSK 10312 1260
   Desc: find the distance from point-point
8612 LOTTO.BASE  M.DULSKI1 910208 7560
   Desc: Data base for Lotto America
8611 MATH FACTS  M.DULSKI1 910208 5040
   Desc: Practice +,-,*,/ for the kids
   Desc: Convert CA/Lotto data for digiLOTTO
8530 TWS STARPRNT.SDA  J.PATE3 910106 8820
   Desc: Setup file for TWS & Star NX-1000
8509 DIGILOTTO10.SDA  DIGITAL.DAZE 10101 36540
   Desc: Lottery database/utility
8503 TWS MOREGRA1.SDA  J.PATE3 901229 20160
   Desc: Graphics for TWS word processor
8502 TWS SGGOLD.SDA  J.PATE3 901229 25200
   Desc: Graphics for TWS word processor
8501 TWS ASCIIGRA.SDA  J.PATE3 901229 18900
   Desc: Graphics for TWS word processor
8499 TWS GRA INFO.SDA  J.PATE3 901229 15120
   Desc: Graphics for TWS word processor
   Desc: Compact, Fast, & Flexible Menu Sys.
8271 FRACTAL 1.PIC  L.KENSKI 900920 8820
   Desc: Mandelbrot Image
8269 WEIRDNESS 2  L.KENSKI 900918 1260
   Desc: Falling Box- same as WEIRDNESS
8237 EASYLETTR128.ARC  R.WOODALL1 900903 23940
   Desc: A specialized word processor.
8180 TIMER_STOPW_CLOCK.SDA  C.GROOM 900823 37800
   Desc: Timer, Stopwatch, and Alarm Clock
8113 TWSUTILITY.SDA  ED.BELL 900803 16380
   Desc: Hi-Res Graphics in TWS documents
8102 MENU128 V2.SFX  R133133 900729 12600
   Desc: Release 2 of C128 Menu System
8091 INSTR MENU.P  JENSUTTON 900715 1260
   Desc: Sample menu program for Superbase
8053 CA_LOTTO 128 V1.3  B.GERRARD 900622 28980
   Desc: California Lottery Database/Utility
8032 CA_LOTTO12.SDA  B.GERRARD 900616 28980
   Desc: Lotto 6/49 Database/utility
7974 PAPERSAVER.128  R.WOODALL1 900519 5040
   Desc: bathroom utility
7843 FILETYPE EDIT  R133133 900311 1260
   Desc: Change that filetype !
7612 SCALES7  J.BORDEAUX 891225 5040
   Desc: an aid to musically train one's ear
7611 MOUNTAIN.KING  J.BORDEAUX 891225 2520
   Desc: 'In the Hall of the Mountain King'
7553 TEMPLATE1.1.ARC  JBEE 891112 16380
   Desc: template for swiftcalc 128
7392 DATE-EASTER  J.BORDEAUX 891007 1260
   Desc: Calculates the date of Easter (C128)
7391 VARISTAR  J.BORDEAUX 891007 5040
   Desc: Calculates Variable Star Minima
7352 DIRSLEEVE.ARC  E.G.BELL 890924 11340
   Desc: directory/sleeve maker for the 128
7351 CARDFILE128.SDA  R.JARRELL1 890923 26460
   Desc: Demo file for Card File 128.
   Desc: Get this one for the boss! Funny!
7330 PROBE 80  E.G.BELL 890916 15120
   Desc: 80 column sector editor for the 128
7255 RECOIL.BAS  M.BRENDLE 890812 2520
   Desc: calculates actual recoil energy
6934 128HI-RES DUMP  G.VANGELDER 890516 1260
   Desc: short Hi-Res screendump ML routine
   Desc: Short autoloader for Uterm & More
6859 TEXTMNGRV2.SDA  MERIDIAN 890501 36540
   Desc: 128-80 col color text ed. w/ term.
6856 BULLETS  M.BRENDLE 890430 5040
   Desc: Keeps track of reloading inventory
   Desc: A FUNNY history lesson.
6536 VIDEO LOG V3.1 .SDA  KEITH.C 890130 27720
   Desc: Compiles Video Log
6418 VIDEO LOG V2.0  KEITH.C 890108 18900
   Desc: Database to Keep Track of Video Tape
6402 HLP.LATE ADDTNS  E.G.BELL 890102 3780
   Desc: Bell Calc help file
6401 BELLCALC.ARC  E.G.BELL 890102 60480
   Desc: Data filing,graphic representation
6399 VIDEO LOG V1.2  KEITH.C 890102 17640
   Desc: Program to Keep Track of Video Tapes
6398 MENU MASTER.128  F.MAPP 890101 41580
   Desc: C128 80 column menu creator.
   Desc: Word processing program in BASIC.
6217 OUTLINER.FORM  H.HERMAN1 881122 11340
   Desc: For use from within Pocket Writer2.
6213 BIKEGEARS2.SDA  DALEB5 881119 16380
   Desc: Computes bicycle gear values
6148 NUTRICALC V3.0  S.ROSS4 881002 45360
   Desc: version 3 of nutricalc main program
6061 MENU DESCRIPTION  H.HERMAN1 880815 6300
   Desc: How to Run menus
6060 MENUS  H.HERMAN1 880815 5040
6041 NUTRICALC2.ARC  S.ROSS4 880802 32760
   Desc: (2 of 2) 80 col nutrition database
6040 NUTRICALC1.ARC  S.ROSS4 880802 46620
   Desc: (1 of 2) 80 col nutrition database
6020 MAD POET.128.80C  NEWNORM 880724 2520
   Desc: Dangerously Funny Poetry Generator.
6018 F8.80  NEWNORM 880724 2520
   Desc: 80c automatic program loader
6017 SIMPLE LISTER V60.80  NEWNORM 880724 35280
   Desc: A Different sort of Database
6006 LOTTO PICKER V4  BHARRIS 880718 7560
   Desc: Pick lotto numbers, load & save
5994 CONVERSION-128  H.STEINBECK 880711 3780
   Desc: Convert metric to US System
5977 BARCHART.LBR  W.BUSH 880706 13860
   Desc: 3-d Ultra Hires Bar Chart Utility
5914 MAGICWRITER  R.YOUNG9 880608 8820
   Desc: demo program for writing intros
5910 DISK LAB.MSORT_S.1  D.KAYE 880606 5040
   Desc: supplement to disk labeler+ files
5909 LABELER+_S  D.KAYE 880606 18900
   Desc: supplement to labeler + files
5876 FLORIDA LOTTO  BHARRIS 880523 2520
   Desc: Pick numbers for the FL lottery.
5847 SIMPLE LISTER V58.80  NEWNORM 880508 31500
   Desc: A MOST unusual 80col database.(RYO)
5846 F8  NEWNORM 880508 2520
   Desc: S H O R T automatic prog loader!
5537 SIMPLE LISTER L.DOC  NEWNORM 880204 20160
   Desc: Longer Doc. file for Simple Lister
5466 ILLUSIONS128  C.NOLLET 880116 5040
   Desc: optical illusions (40 column)
5371 CHKREG128V3.0SDA  K.MAGIN 871230 55440
   Desc: Improved CHECKWRITER/REGISTER 128.
5172 FILECARD V1.0.SDA  TUSKIE 871126 32760
   Desc: file card database: C128/80 colus
5113 OFF-BASE 128.SDA  F.MORRIS 871116 41580
   Desc: Complete Database for your 128!
5093 SYM-A-SKETCH  OMICRON-I 871110 5040
   Desc: Hi-res symetrical! drawing program.
4884 SPREAD80V1.0  PBE 870925 8820
   Desc: Spreadsheet for the 128 in 80 col.
4851 HYMNS V2  M.KREKLOW 870919 17640
   Desc: Church hymns for the C-128.
4816 FOOTBALL.SDA  RICHARDL 870910 27720
   Desc: Prediction program for the NFL.
4772 SIMPLE LISTER V.52  NEWNORM 870904 28980
   Desc: Roll your own database!
4657 LEVEE.128  M.KREKLOW 870812 15120
4642 HOME SWEAT HOME  V.STAYTER 870808 18900
   Desc: Helpful info for harried homeowners
4638 80 COL GRAPHIC.ARC  J.DEAL 870808 15120
4532 VIDMAN.ARC  WEASTBURN 870724 30240
   Desc: Video Tape Library Manager
4517 MORSECODE128_80  G.ROZEA 870721 2520
   Desc: Morse Code Practice!
4497 C128 RLE VIEWER  TIGLON.G 870717 1260
   Desc: C128 RLE Picture Viewer!
4488 CHAOS-2  R.KLAHN 870717 5040
   Desc: Henon Mappings / Physical Systems
4460 GAS128-V2.SDA  MICHAEL.M 870712 32760
   Desc: Vers. 2 of Graphic Assault System!
4399 FASCINATION.128  M.KREKLOW 870628 2520
   Desc: Fascination for C128.
4388 FUR ELISE.128  M.KREKLOW 870626 3780
   Desc: Fur Elise by BEETHOVEN for the C-128
   Desc: Little League Statistic Compiler!
4299 MENU128_1571_80  MICHAEL.M 870615 1260
   Desc: A very fast Auto-Menu program.
4256 HAS10.LBR  MICHAEL.M 870603 129780
   Desc: Harris Accounting System - C128!
4162 128CHKREG2.6.LBR  K.MAGIN 870524 40320
   Desc: Prints checks & captures data.
4093 AUTO LOG  NEWNORM 870519 12600
   Desc: Car care program for Chevy Cavalier
4022 GUITAR GUIDE-128.SDA  MICHAEL.M 870512 28980
   Desc: Superb guitar chord database!
4018 COLOREZ.SDA  MICHAEL.M 870510 3780
   Desc: Tom Brown's COLOREZ.40 utility.
4015 MY HAPPY STORY  NEWNORM 870510 6300
   Desc: Educational Prg. for kids 5 to 65
3944 FUNNY TUNNEL  NEWNORM 870428 3780
   Desc: Hi Res graphics program
3902 CHART MAKER C128 V1.1  PAULBUNYAN 870423 15120
   Desc: Makes Hi-Res charts (pie, bar, line)
3814 JJSLABELS128.SDA  SERENDIP 870413 10080
   Desc: Superbase mail labels w/options
3798 SCREENDUMP.128  MICHAEL.M 870412 1260
   Desc: Dump your Graphics/Text screens.
3797 ULTRAHIRES.DOCS  MICHAEL.M 870412 27720
   Desc: Documentation for ULTRAHIRES 128
3796 UH.PIC CONVERT  MICHAEL.M 870412 1260
   Desc: Convert BitMaps to UltraHires-128
3795 UH.PRINTER-SETUP  MICHAEL.M 870412 1260
   Desc: Printer Setup File For UltraHires
   Desc: 40 Column Animations
3754 FILE EDITOR 128 V1.4.SDA  TIGLON.G 870406 26460
   Desc: File Editor for the C128!
   Desc: Be your own weatherperson!
3704 DATABASE - LABELER  MRLAZAR 870328 22680
   Desc: Compiled, 10-field Database.
3697 TAROT 3.0  MICHAEL.M 870327 28980
   Desc: Your very own Tarot Card reader!
3641 LOTTO PICKER ][  S.F.T. 870321 3780
   Desc: Pick your lotto numbers.
   Desc: How to do column work with PW2 (128)
3632 KITTENS OFF KEYS  KEVIN.S 870319 1260
   Desc: Negative reinforcement for kitties!
3587 FAST LABEL  EBBS 870311 1260
   Desc: 128 Easy, fast, short label maker.
3586 CHRSET LOADER  EBBS 870311 1260
   Desc: 128/80 cols. Use custom Chrsets.
3547 SEQ SORT128  CHARRINGTON 870308 15120
   Desc: Sorts sequential file lists
3520 CHECK EXPRESS 5.0.LBR  M.DIBIASIO 870302 51660
   Desc: Fast, Compiled CheckBook Manager
3499 C.A.T.S  MICHAEL.M 870228 18900
   Desc: Computer Assisted Thoroughbr. Racing
3448 RECIPE_VER2.0.LBR  TARDUS 870215 21420
   Desc: C-128 80 column recipe database.
3393 ILLUST-IMAGES128.LBR  TIGLON.G 870208 79380
   Desc: Illustrated Images for Ultra-Hires!
   Desc: Video Arts Database for SuperBase
3344 QUICK DATA-128  MICHAEL.M 870202 1260
   Desc: Make typing DATA statements easy!
3283 DISK JACKET 128  MICHAEL.M 870126 13860
   Desc: Disk jacket maker and printer!
3281 FONT SHOP - PLUS  MICHAEL.M 870125 47880
   Desc: Font Shop, sourcecode, and fonts!
3276 128 UNIT CONVERT 1.1  D.GARDNER 870125 7560
   Desc: Unit conversions on the C-128
3236 UH.BASE  GARYW 870122 1260
   Desc: Base program for Ultra Hi-Res
3228 CHECKING.INST  S.GIZA 870120 11340
   Desc: Checking Account Instructions
3227 CHECKING ACCOUNT  S.GIZA 870120 60480
   Desc: Checking Account Program
3140 ULTRA DRAW 128 V3.7  MICHAEL.M 870111 6300
   Desc: ULTRA HIRES drawing program!
3139 CAD-3D 128  MICHAEL.M 870111 10080
   Desc: An ULTRA HIRES 3D CAD program!
3138 DISK FILER 128 V5.0  MICHAEL.M 870111 27720
   Desc: A comprehensive disk filing program
3136 OUTLINE-128.LBR  MICHAEL.M 870111 23940
   Desc: Idea Processor for the C-128!
3091 3-D ROTATOR128.LBR  MICHAEL.M 870107 52920
   Desc: A 3-D generator/rotator program.
3090 KOALA LOADER128.LBR  MICHAEL.M 870107 1260
   Desc: View your KOALA files on the 128!
3089 DOODLE LOADER 128  MICHAEL.M 870107 1260
   Desc: Load your DOODLES in 40col 128 mode
3044 GROCERY LISTER 128  J.LULLIE 870104 3780
   Desc: Lists and prints your grocery list.
2801 MUSIC MAN-128 V7  MICHAEL.M 861213 10080
   Desc: Upgraded version of this music prgm.
2664 T-PARAMETER.128  MICHAEL.M 861120 11340
   Desc: T-Parameter Graphing Utility - C128
2663 PERGEO2.128  MICHAEL.M 861120 12600
   Desc: Perspective Geometry Utility - C128
2662 ISOPLOT.128  MICHAEL.M 861120 10080
   Desc: Isometric Surface Plotter - C128
2632 LABEL GEN-128 V1.0  GARANDO 861117 11340
   Desc: Labelmaker for 80-column C-128
2627 D&D DICE ROLLER  MICHAEL.M 861116 21420
   Desc: Dice Roller for D&D games - C-128
2626 D&D DICE ROLLER - DOCS  MICHAEL.M 861116 2520
   Desc: Doc file for the D&D Dice Roller Prg
2481 BASIC 9.9  MICHAEL.M 861020 15120
   Desc: A humorous BASIC 7.0 replacement
2439 MONEY MGR 128  TIGLON.G 861012 5040
   Desc: Finances for your C128
2358 PS LABEL128.LBR  MIKEM 860930 3780
   Desc: Make labels with text & PS Graphix!
2313 BASIC 7.0 TUTOR  MIKEM 860923 22680
   Desc: Learn BASIC 7.0 commands.
2312 MATH-CALC 128  MIKEM 860923 6300
   Desc: Complex Math Made Easy!
2307 ULTRACAT2.LBR  GARYW 860922 45360
   Desc: UltraCat 2.0 disk Cataloger
2263 ULTRAHIRES.LBR  GARYW 860915 10080
   Desc: Lou Wallace's ULTRA HIRES
   Desc: Printer Files for ULTRA HIRES
2186 DRAW N PAINT  MIKEM 860907 16380
   Desc: HiRes Doodle-type program.
2083 JOBSLIST.128  MIKEM 860831 16380
   Desc: Organize those tasks!
2073 PENPAL-128 [LBR]  MIKEM 860830 49140
   Desc: A Comprehensive Mailing DBase
1690 PHILEMASTER.80  MIKEM 860802 16380
   Desc: 80 Column Database for the C128
1689 128 DATABASE  MIKEM 860802 23940
   Desc: 80-Column Database
1688 128 MAIL & PHONE  MIKEM 860802 7560
   Desc: Phone/Mail Database in 80-col.
1686 SEASCENE.128  MIKEM 860802 2520
   Desc: SEASCENE Animated Graphics


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