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CBM Files
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GEnie Information


-= C128CPM =-

GEnie Commodore File Library

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please visit the GEnie page on Wikipedia.

Library: 27 - C-128 CP/M Files

16004 UNZIP.COM  A.PEROTTI 940919 3328
   Desc: cpm unzip program
16003 ZCPR-D&J.COM  A.PEROTTI 940919 32896
   Desc: improved zcpr for cpm
16002 ZPM3N10.ARC  A.PEROTTI 940919 51840
   Desc: bios replacement for z80, cpm
15908 CRRDOCPS.SFX  A.PEROTTI 940914 19328
   Desc: documentation for crr160
15907 ECHO.SFX  A.PEROTTI 940914 7552
   Desc: cpm utility for submit files
15906 CPMUNARJ.SFX  A.PEROTTI 940914 21504
   Desc: decompress .arj files
15905 CP2UX2CP.SFX  A.PEROTTI 940914 5888
   Desc: Xfer files btwn cpm & unix formats
15904 ZCCP0293.SFX  A.PEROTTI 940914 20480
   Desc: Freeware - ZCPR clone
15903 ZIPDIR12.SFX  A.PEROTTI 940914 19584
   Desc: Lists contents of a .ZIP file
15902 WTXT101.SFX  A.PEROTTI 940914 5632
   Desc: Make .COM files from text files
15713 CPMFAQ.TXT  A.PEROTTI 940903 32000
   Desc: comp.os.cpm FAQ file
15699 2.2DIR.ARC  C.D.RECORDS 940831 2048
   Desc: Reads a 1541 CP/M dir in 64 mode
15011 SGTOOLS17.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 40604 15232
   Desc: Upgrade SG C Tools 1.6 to 1.7!
14889 ZBRAW11.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 40516 30848
   Desc: RAW player/convert with C source!
14471 SGTOOL16.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 40305 99456
   Desc: Powerful C tools / complete source!
14470 PCXEM12.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 40305 26880
   Desc: PCX'EM viewer with C source!
14469 SGDEMO16.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 40305 65280
   Desc: Compiled C demo with PCX & RAW sound
13916 SGTOOL15.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 31201 82944
   Desc: The BEST C tools get better!
13901 RTCCPM.SFX  H.HERMAN1 931126 7040
   Desc: Auto set the date and time in CP/M.
13474 SGTOOL14.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 31004 84864
   Desc: Play RAWs & view PCXs in ANSI C!
13455 PCXEM11.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 31001 28160
   Desc: Now you can view 640X480 .PCX
13303 PCXEM10.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30911 16640
   Desc: The fastest .PCX viewer yet!
13272 ZBRAW10.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30907 61184
   Desc: Play 4 bit .RAW digi sound files!
13206 SGTOOL13.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30828 64000
   Desc: ANSI C VDC, SID & CIA tools!
13032 SGTOOL12.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30811 52096
   Desc: Fast VDC GRAPHICS & more in ANSI C!
12933 SGTOOL11.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30727 33280
   Desc: ANSI C tools for fast VDC I/O!
12932 SGTCOM11.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30727 36736
   Desc: Compiled code from SGTOOL11.ARC
12892 HITECHC.TXT  S.GOLDSMITH2 30719 5120
   Desc: Review of great FREEWARE C compiler
12886 SGTOOL10.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30719 25600
   Desc: Fast ANSI C VDC functions for C128!
12621 RDCBM21.LBR  JBEE 930612 19456
   Desc: C= <--> CP/M file transfers
12571 PMAUTOAE.COM  S.CRAIK 930530 30976
   Desc: New type archival system + extr lh5
12375 VDCPCX3.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30424 29184
   Desc: More PCX images scaled for the VDC!
12374 PCXV11.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30424 23168
   Desc: VDC interlace PCX image viewer!
12119 CPM-DL-INTRO.TXT  R.KNOP1 930407 4096
   Desc: An introduction to CPM downloading
12080 CPM-INTRO.TXT  R.KNOP1 930404 4096
   Desc: Intro to downloading for CP/M
12074 DELBR12.ARK  R.KNOP1 930401 13312
   Desc: Extract CP/M libraries
12073 UNARC16.COM  R.KNOP1 930401 38912
   Desc: CP/M utillity to dissolve .ARK's
12072 CROSSLINK21B.SFX  R.KNOP1 930401 14208
   Desc: update/bugfixed crosslink
11946 MMPLAY11.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30326 106240
   Desc: Multimedia player with bug fix!!!!!
11834 MUSIC1.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30317 82688
   Desc: Bass, drums & synth for MMPLAY.ARC
11814 MMPLAY.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30316 66688
   Desc: Create your own multimedia shows!
11794 ZSYS.PET.SFX  R.KNOP1 930314 12288
   Desc: Info on getting started w/z-system
11684 KEY128-XGR.LBR  R.KNOP1 930313 4096
   Desc: C128 termcap for Z-system programs
11619 ZDT12P.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 9088
   Desc: ZCCP day-timer utility
11618 LBRHLP22.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 54528
   Desc: ZCPR help utility
11617 ZDB18C.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 43776
   Desc: Short name/address database for CP/M
11616 V.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 12416
   Desc: CP/M text viewer for ZCCP
11615 MKDIR32.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 13312
   Desc: Make/edit named directories zccp
11614 SCAN25.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 17664
   Desc: Text viewer for zccp and zpm
11613 SETPTH10.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 17792
   Desc: set command path for zccp
11612 SALIAS16.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 33792
   Desc: Edit ZCPR alias programs
11611 KEY128-3.LBR  R.KNOP1 930312 18688
   Desc: LOAD/SAVEKEY load/save key defs
11610 ZCCPC128.ARK  R.KNOP1 930312 27904
   Desc: Adjunct to ZCCP.ARK
11609 ZCCP.ARK  R.KNOP1 930312 7424
   Desc: CCP replacement for C128 CP/M
11276 GRC128.ZIP  G.STAGLIANO 930226 73216
   Desc: bitmapped graphics 128 cpm via bios
11096 VDCPCX1.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30211 82560
   Desc: Cool 640X200 PCX images for PCXVIEW
11027 LT31.LBR  R.KNOP1 930206 64768
   Desc: Powerful CP/M Library etc. utility
11014 ZPM3N08.ARK  R.KNOP1 930205 50432
   Desc: Replcement BDOS for CP/M
11013 BIOS-R62.LBR  R.KNOP1 930205 148224
   Desc: Replacement BIOS for CP/M
11010 PCXVIEW.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30204 24960
   Desc: Fast PCX file viewer for VDC!
10950 ARC.COM  S.GOLDSMITH2 30124 27264
   Desc: CP/M ARC for MS-DOS style ARCs!
10843 SMALLTERM.ARC  CBM-MARK 930114 9472
   Desc: Download to CPM format!
10835 ZBKIT20.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 30111 95232
   Desc: Rec, play & import digi sound files
10694 BLUEINTU.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 21225 53632
   Desc: Interlace update of BLUE.LBR game!
10693 BLUEINTU.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 21225 43904
   Desc: Interlace update of BLUE.ARC game!
10636 BLUE.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 21218 56960
   Desc: Uncompressed CP/M LBR of BLUE.ARC
10635 BLUE.ARC  S.GOLDSMITH2 21218 47232
   Desc: CP/M VDC Arcade game! Digi sound!
10511 MDRAW.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 21127 20736
   Desc: CP/M 1351 Mouse Draw with TP source
10498 MOUSE.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 21122 30464
   Desc: Use 1351 mouse in CP/M with TP sourc
10487 JOYSTICK.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 21119 14848
   Desc: Use joy stick in CP/M with TP source
10262 PIPMAG-5.ARC  CBM-MARK 921016 51840
   Desc: Fifth issue of PIPMAG
10260 PIPMAG-4.ARC  CBM-MARK 921015 54912
   Desc: Fourth edition of PIPMAG
10259 PIPMAG-3.ARC  CBM-MARK 921015 48384
   Desc: Third issue of PIP online CPM mag
10224 INTLACE.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 21010 15744
   Desc: Interlace 80X50 text for 128 & CP/M
10134 ZMMEDIA.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 20925 155136
   Desc: Multimedia for the C128, CP/M, VDC!
10123 ZBKIT.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 20920 111104
   Desc: Make DIGITIZED sound files for 128!
10088 ZBDEMO10.LBR  S.GOLDSMITH2 20911 67072
   Desc: C128 CP/M digitized music & voice!
9636 NULU152A.COM  JBEE 920417 16384
   Desc: a program to extract CP/M libraries
8481 CPMTXT.SFX  D.RAY1 901219 10080
   Desc: Articles about using CP/M on the 128
8407 PIPMAG6.ARK  BRAD-HARRIS 901108 84420
   Desc: The sixth edition of PIPMAG!
8351 CPMZIP.ARK  C128-BILL 901028 17640
   Desc: A CP/M UNZIP-ER
8224 CPM-PRODUCTS.TXT  FLAGSHIP$ 900902 6300
   Desc: B.B. Thread of C128 Products (CP/M)
8019 SWIFTLINK.RTC  C128-BILL 900608 27720
   Desc: CP/M Transcript C-64/128 New Product
7029 CPMTERMS.SDA  C128-BILL 890607 35280
   Desc: Native Mode CP/M Terms (C-128)
6413 CPMBEGIN.TXT  C128-BILL 890106 8820
   Desc: ASCII DOC for New CP/M Users
6211 PIPMAG2.ARC  C128-BILL 881115 41580
   Desc: Issue #2 of the C-128 PIP Online Ma.
6210 PIPMAG1.ARC  C128-BILL 881115 25200
   Desc: The PIP C-128 Online Magazine!!
   Desc: Monitor display 1 MFM sector
4863 C128 COMPATIBILIY.DOC  CHUCK.WAGON 870920 12600
   Desc: C128 Compatibility Article!
4821 XFORM81.COM  MIKLOS.G 870911 5040
   Desc: Format 1581 disks under CP/M.
4820 PATCH81.COM  MIKLOS.G 870911 3780
   Desc: Modifies CP/M system for 1581.
4447 BBR CPM FIX  GARYW 870710 1260
   Desc: Fix-File for Big Blue Reader CP/M
4270 UNWORDSTAR80  CHUCK.WAGON 870607 1260
   Desc: WordStar Utility for the C-128!
3799 MDISK  MICHAEL.M 870412 3780
   Desc: Parser for 1750 RAMDISK
3023 CROSSLINK2.LBR  MICHAEL.M 870102 20160
   Desc: Improved version of CROSSLINK!
2729 C-128 Z80 ASSEMBLER  MICHAEL.M 861127 34020
   Desc: Simple assembler for Z80 in 128 mode
2391 CPM PRIMER 3  KARE 861005 16380
   Desc: CP/M tutorial by MIKEM -- Part 3
2146 CPM PRIMER 2  KARE 860906 12600
   Desc: CP/M tips from MIKEM.
1703 CPM PRIMER  KARE 860802 7560
   Desc: CP/M Tutorial
1661 LOAD.COM  PFOUNTZ 860730 1260
   Desc: utility to transfer CPM file to CBM


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