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GEnie Information


-= C64Arcade =-

GEnie Commodore File Library

For more info about the history of GEnie,
please visit the GEnie page on Wikipedia.

Library: 15 - C-64 Arcade Action Games

18337 LABYRINTH.BIN  G.NOGGLE 971020 12972
   Desc: load filename,8,1 then run it
18334 SWITCH  J.SEAVERT 970928 7424
   Desc: a real mind bender
18230 BEEHIVE.SDA  JOLTAHOLIC 961019 46336
   Desc: Ready for "galactic extermination" ?
17846 SPICE.SDA  J.GREEN9 960223 4608
   Desc: Spies on ice. Brrr... cold...
17845 ASTROBLITZ.SDA  J.GREEN9 960223 10240
   Desc: Space shoot'em up.
17719 GI JOE 2-SMURF  E.BOURDON1 951222 25472
   Desc: Kill smurfs!
17703 TIDDLEYWINKS  J.GREEN9 951130 7296
   Desc: Flip a chip,hit the glass, enjoy.
17702 BULLSEYE  J.GREEN9 951130 7552
   Desc: Two excellent DART games...
17701 GHOST CASTLE.SDA  J.GREEN9 951130 8448
   Desc: Find treasures while evading ghost
17700 TRIBBLE TRUB.SDA  J.GREEN9 951130 12544
   Desc: Save the TRIBBLES!!
17699 METAL BALL.SDA  J.GREEN9 951130 10240
   Desc: Bounce ball, destroy missiles.
17666 JACKY JUMPUP.SDA  J.GREEN9 951102 36608
   Desc: Bounce jacky around for points.
17636 LIGHT CYCLES.SDA  J.GREEN9 951019 15104
   Desc: Play tag with the C-64.
17635 SPACE RAID.SDA  J.GREEN9 951019 19328
   Desc: Rocket ship zips and zaps in space
17625 B-STATION.SDA  J.GREEN9 951018 32128
   Desc: Defend your battle station.
17514 BOTTLE NECK  J.GREEN9 950912 13184
   Desc: A tetris type game. Excellent.
17467 SLOT POKER  J.GREEN9 950823 50688
   Desc: Poker played like slot machine.
17375 EAGLE ATTACK  J.GREEN9 950806 3712
   Desc: Big old ugly eagles attacking.
17374 SPIKES PEAK.SDA  J.GREEN9 950806 26752
   Desc: Spike's gonna climb a mountain.
17372 CYCLONS.SDA  J.GREEN9 950806 16384
   Desc: Good 'shoot the invaders' game.
17345 CHOPPER RESCUE  J.GREEN9 950726 4480
   Desc: Rescue pilots of downed planes.
17344 COM-PATRIOT.SDA  J.GREEN9 950726 11520
   Desc: Fire guided missiles at enemy.
17343 JET PACK.SDA  J.GREEN9 950726 13824
   Desc: Assemble spaceship and leave.
17320 BOWMAN.SDA  JOLTAHOLIC 950712 41728
   Desc: Raid the Black Knight's castle.
17311 PLASMOID.SDA  J.GREEN9 950708 5632
   Desc: Plasmoids, zap them if you can...
17293 DEMONS.SDA  J.GREEN9 950707 4608
   Desc: Mean demons gonna get 'cha. Betcha
17292 C.JUGGLER.SDA  J.GREEN9 950707 15616
   Desc: juggler spins plates on poles..
17291 FLAP.SDA  J.GREEN9 950707 8960
   Desc: birds
17290 POT NABER.SDA  J.GREEN9 950707 5120
   Desc: collect pots guarded by robots.
17239 WARRIORS.SDA  JOLTAHOLIC 950623 47360
   Desc: Defeat king and capture his crown
17230 SPACE BELT  J.GREEN9 950621 6784
   Desc: Player tries to shoot everything.
17229 ROOFUS.SDA  J.GREEN9 950621 10240
   Desc: Bop the flying monsters.
17226 CHOPPER BOPP.SDA  J.GREEN9 950621 6144
   Desc: Two players shooting at each other
17215 MOTOCYCLE.SDA  J.GREEN9 950615 8192
   Desc: Race motorcycles with a buddy.
17214 GRAVINAUTS.SDA  J.GREEN9 950615 5120
   Desc: Jet pack around collecting fuel.
17213 SPACE ARENA.SDA  J.GREEN9 950615 6912
   Desc: 2 players, giant asteroids, 2 js.
17173 WANDERFULL  CBM-BANDIT 950601 41984
   Desc: Demo from RPG and Wanderer
17172 FLUMMI WORLD PREV  E.BOURDON1 950531 25088
   Desc: Preview of "Flummi's World"
17163 LAZER DUEL PREVIEW  E.BOURDON1 950529 18176
   Desc: Preview of 'Lazer Duel' from TP
17162 HYPER CARS PREVIEW  E.BOURDON1 950529 28416
   Desc: Preview of game 'Hypercars' from TP
17114 BANK HEIST  J.GREEN9 950509 6400
   Desc: Mean ole robbers, rob banks.
17110 TURNABOUT.SDA  J.GREEN9 950508 5632
   Desc: Box yourself in to avoid evil L's.
17109 LARC MISSION.SDA  J.GREEN9 950508 8704
   Desc: Fly USA experimental aircraft.
17092 VIDEO VANDAL  J.GREEN9 950506 2048
   Desc: Loves to ZAP old BASIC files...
17091 VORTEX  J.GREEN9 950506 5120
   Desc: Shoot incoming invaders...
17019 SNIPER.SDA  J.GREEN9 950420 10752
   Desc: Helicopters,jets,skydivers-KABOOM!
17012 SWOOP  J.GREEN9 950419 12416
   Desc: Buzzards laying hugh atomic bombs
16980 MARS PROBE  J.GREEN9 950413 3584
   Desc: Pilot probe across mountain, land.
16958 COMETS.SDA  J.GREEN9 950402 19328
   Desc: comets shower the earth...
16947 SHOOTEM.WILD  CBM-BANDIT 950327 25472
   Desc: Fast arcade game
16486 TRANSPUTER.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 46336
   Desc: Transputerman arcade game
16465 WARGAMES.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 85632
   Desc: Wargames, just like the movie!
16460 OUTLAW.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 49024
   Desc: Be an outlaw in the old west!
16459 SPACEHAWK.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 50560
   Desc: Fly your spaceship and shoot aliens
16441 GFORCEPB.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 29312
   Desc: Pinball game
16440 FREEFALLPB.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 28544
   Desc: Pinball game
16439 CITYGOLDPB.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 29312
   Desc: Pinball Game
16438 3BALLPB.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 30336
   Desc: Pinball game
16437 PWAP1PB.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 29312
   Desc: Pinball game
16436 THEEYESPB.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 29312
   Desc: Pinball game
16435 NOGOLDPB.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 28032
   Desc: Pinball game
16434 SIMPSONPB.ARC  E.BOURDON1 941008 29056
   Desc: Pinball game
15784 THE INVADER  E.BOURDON1 940905 15232
   Desc: a cool defender like game
15440 CYCLES2.7.SDA  J.MACINNES 940816 23424
   Desc: Light cycles. One or two player.
13829 PEG.SDA  LLOYD 931112 16512
   Desc: C64 game similiar to Joust
13826 KLINGON ATTACK  D.VARGO 931112 30592
   Desc: GK gamemaker shoot 'em up
13825 ROMULAN ATTACK  D.VARGO 931112 30080
   Desc: GK gamemaker shoot 'em up
13791 KABLAM!  J.SZCZAP 931105 6912
   Desc: Collect falling bombs.
13759 ZAP  J.SZCZAP 931027 4992
   Desc: You must catch stars
13723 BOWLING  THE.OUTLAW 931021 3328
   Desc: Barstyle Bowling - Flash
13719 RUN RIKI RUN  THE.OUTLAW 931021 8192
   Desc: Run thru the maze!
13616 DIRECTION.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 931014 12416
   Desc: A number game!
13613 TRUCK RUN  THE.OUTLAW 931014 1024
   Desc: Simple arcade game!
13610 QUERK  THE.OUTLAW 931014 6912
   Desc: pacman style game!
13605 THE PYRAMID  THE.OUTLAW 931014 51200
   Desc: arcade game - shoot'em up!
13603 BLUENOTE.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 22912
   Desc: pinball game
13600 ARROW  THE.OUTLAW 931013 2560
   Desc: By Jim Butterfield
13593 MACH2.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 23936
   Desc: pinball game
   Desc: Two player game!!
13586 MOMMY SLITHER  THE.OUTLAW 931013 14592
   Desc: Slither Dearest
13584 BYTE TO EAT  THE.OUTLAW 931013 1792
   Desc: simple arcade game
13583 STUNT RIDER  THE.OUTLAW 931013 14464
   Desc: motorcycle game
13581 RUSH HOUR  THE.OUTLAW 931013 8832
   Desc: Collect the money bags!
13580 RESCUE  THE.OUTLAW 931013 5120
   Desc: simple arcade game
13578 PYRAHOP  THE.OUTLAW 931013 4608
   Desc: space arcade game
13574 GRANDPRIX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 4992
   Desc: keyboard arcade game
13571 CANYONS  THE.OUTLAW 931013 6400
   Desc: A space arcade game!
13570 WHIRLYBIRD  THE.OUTLAW 931013 5376
   Desc: Keep that chopper in your sights!
13568 SLITHER WAR  THE.OUTLAW 931013 3072
   Desc: A snake war game!
13567 RIKI TIKI  THE.OUTLAW 931013 4864
   Desc: Collect snakes for fun & profit!
13565 INVADERS  THE.OUTLAW 931013 6400
   Desc: Space Invaders for the 64!
13564 HYPER BALL  THE.OUTLAW 931013 4352
   Desc: Video Air Hockey!
13563 DRIVER  THE.OUTLAW 931013 2304
   Desc: Roadway race game
13562 DODGE CARS  THE.OUTLAW 931013 7168
   Desc: Keyboard action game!
13561 DEVIL.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 8320
   Desc: arcade game
13560 BOMB  THE.OUTLAW 931013 5504
   Desc: Destroy the Russians!
13559 ALIEN CITY  THE.OUTLAW 931013 8320
   Desc: arcade game
13558 CHOPPER MAURADE  THE.OUTLAW 931013 10624
   Desc: arcade game
13556 SUB HUNT  THE.OUTLAW 931013 3840
   Desc: Search and Destroy a Subs!
13555 SPCFORTRESS.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 11264
   Desc: A space game!
   Desc: A two player game!
   Desc: A 2 player arcade game!
13551 SPIDER TRAP  THE.OUTLAW 931013 6272
   Desc: NOT an easy game!
13549 ATTACK COPTER  THE.OUTLAW 931013 3968
   Desc: arcade game
13548 SPIKE.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 7424
   Desc: Something Different! Geometric Gm!
13547 SNUFF  THE.OUTLAW 931013 9984
   Desc: test your joystick skills!
13546 PHOENIX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 3968
   Desc: A bird arcade game!
13545 GULPER.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 12928
   Desc: A pac-man stlye game with a twist!
13544 GERMAN BOMBER  THE.OUTLAW 931013 4352
   Desc: keyboard controlled arcade game!
13543 CRUNCHMAN.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 931013 8448
   Desc: Pac-Man stlye arcade game!
13542 BONKBARR  THE.OUTLAW 931013 3840
   Desc: Unusual arcade game!
13541 ASTEROID FIELD  THE.OUTLAW 931013 1536
   Desc: space arcade game
13540 SCS.MINER  THE.OUTLAW 931013 3328
   Desc: Arcade game
13539 MONSTERS  THE.OUTLAW 931013 11904
   Desc: arcade game
13537 DRAGONMASTER  THE.OUTLAW 931013 4096
   Desc: arcade game
13535 COMMODORE CMD  THE.OUTLAW 931013 4480
   Desc: Fast arcade game - Destruction!
13534 U-BOAT  THE.OUTLAW 931013 4608
   Desc: A Submarine Game
   Desc: arcade game - shoot'em up
13262 BLUETHUNDER.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 930905 16512
   Desc: arcade game
13261 CREEPS.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 930905 12800
   Desc: an arcade game
13260 TANX  THE.OUTLAW 930905 17280
   Desc: arcade game
13258 STARCOMMAND.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 930905 13440
   Desc: arcade game
13257 ORB-DEFEND.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 930905 9088
   Desc: arcade game
13256 CREATEREVG.SFX  THE.OUTLAW 930905 12160
   Desc: arcade game
13176 U-NINETY SIX  B.RUSK1 930825 42368
   Desc: Hi-Res Battleship Game.Euro
12985 FRUIT MACHINE  H.YOCHUM 930802 9344
   Desc: a slot type game machine
12984 MAGIC MADNESS  H.YOCHUM 930802 45568
   Desc: a cool magic game with good graphics
12981 ROX  PLACON 930802 7424
   Desc: a space game for the 64
12980 JUMPING JACK  PLACON 930802 4352
   Desc: a walk game for the 64
12760 PBALL50-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930626 34304
   Desc: Pinball 50 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12759 PBALL50-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930626 33280
   Desc: Pinball 50 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12758 PBALL50-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930626 32512
   Desc: Pinball 50 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12757 PBALL50-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930626 35328
   Desc: Pinball 50 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12756 PBALL49-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930626 34304
   Desc: Pinball 49 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12755 PBALL49-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930626 32768
   Desc: Pinball 49 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12754 PBALL49-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930626 33024
   Desc: Pinball 49 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12753 PBALL49-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930626 35072
   Desc: Pinball 49 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12752 PBALL48-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 33536
   Desc: Pinball 48 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12751 PBALL48-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 32512
   Desc: Pinball 48 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12750 PBALL48-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 32384
   Desc: Pinball 48 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12749 PBALL48-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 34304
   Desc: Pinball 48 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12748 PBALL47-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 33280
   Desc: Pinball 47 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12747 PBALL47-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 32512
   Desc: Pinball 47 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12746 PBALL47-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 32128
   Desc: Pinball 47 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12745 PBALL47-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 35328
   Desc: Pinball 47 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12744 PBALL46-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 33536
   Desc: Pinball 46 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12743 PBALL46-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 32512
   Desc: Pinball 46 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12742 PBALL46-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 33024
   Desc: Pinball 46 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12741 PBALL46-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 34560
   Desc: Pinball 46 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12740 PBALL45-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 32384
   Desc: Pinball 45 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12739 PBALL45-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 31872
   Desc: Pinball 45 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12738 PBALL45-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 31360
   Desc: Pinball 45 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12737 PBALL45-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930625 35584
   Desc: Pinball 45 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12735 PBALL44-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 33536
   Desc: Pinball 44 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12734 PBALL44-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 32512
   Desc: Pinball 44 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12733 PBALL44-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 33024
   Desc: Pinball 44 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12732 PBALL44-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 34560
   Desc: Pinball 44 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12731 PBALL43-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 33536
   Desc: Pinball 43 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12730 PBALL43-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 32512
   Desc: Pinball 43 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12729 PBALL43-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 31872
   Desc: Pinball 43 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12728 PBALL43-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 34560
   Desc: Pinball 43 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12727 PBALL42-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 32768
   Desc: Pinball 42 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12726 PBALL42-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 31872
   Desc: Pinball 42 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12725 PBALL42-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 32512
   Desc: Pinball 42 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12724 PBALL42-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930624 34816
   Desc: Pinball 42 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12693 PBALL41-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 33536
   Desc: Pinball 41 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12692 PBALL41-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 32512
   Desc: Pinball 41 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12691 PBALL41-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 32128
   Desc: Pinball 41 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12690 PBALL41-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 35072
   Desc: Pinball 41 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12689 PBALL40-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 32384
   Desc: Pinball 40 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12688 PBALL40-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 32384
   Desc: Pinball 40 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12687 PBALL40-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 32512
   Desc: Pinball 40 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12686 PBALL40-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 34816
   Desc: Pinball 40 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12685 PBALL39-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 32768
   Desc: Pinball 39 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12684 PBALL39-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 32384
   Desc: Pinball 39 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12683 PBALL39-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 33024
   Desc: Pinball 39 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12682 PBALL39-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930619 35328
   Desc: Pinball 39 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12674 PBALL38-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930618 34048
   Desc: Pinball 38 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12673 PBALL38-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930618 32384
   Desc: Pinball 38 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12672 PBALL38-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930618 32768
   Desc: Pinball 38 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12671 PBALL38-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930618 34560
   Desc: Pinball 38 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12670 PBALL36-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930617 32768
   Desc: Pinball 36 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12669 PBALL36-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930617 37248
   Desc: Pinball 36 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12668 PBALL36-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930617 33024
   Desc: Pinball 36 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12667 PBALL36-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930617 35072
   Desc: Pinball 36 - A Disk FULL of Pinball!
12660 PBALL35-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930616 32128
   Desc: Pinball 35 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12659 PBALL35-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930616 32512
   Desc: Pinball 35 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12658 PBALL35-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930616 32384
   Desc: Pinball 35 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12657 PBALL35-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930616 33536
   Desc: Pinball 35 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12653 PBALL33-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930615 31872
   Desc: Pinball 33 - A Disk full of pinball!
12652 PBALL33-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930615 31360
   Desc: Pinball 33 - A Disk full of pinball!
12651 PBALL33-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930615 31104
   Desc: Pinball 33 - A Disk Full of Pinball!
12650 PBALL33-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930615 33280
   Desc: Pinball 33 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12638 PBALL34-D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930614 33280
   Desc: Pinball 34 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12637 PBALL34-C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930614 31872
   Desc: Pinball 34 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12636 PBALL34-B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930614 31360
   Desc: Pinball 34 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12635 PBALL34-A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930614 33792
   Desc: Pinball 34 - A Disk full of Pinball!
12583 WORMY  S.FREEDLINE 930602 7552
   Desc: This is one quick moving worm :)
12582 ULTRAMAZE  S.FREEDLINE 930602 20352
   Desc: An A 'Mazing' Game.
   Desc: Let's go Deep Sea Fishing.
12580 DANCIN DON  S.FREEDLINE 930602 9856
   Desc: Help Don cross the street.
12579 CAT-GAME  S.FREEDLINE 930602 21248
   Desc: Search the castle for the hidden orb
12578 SMURFING  S.FREEDLINE 930601 27264
   Desc: Let's go Smurfen'
12575 LOOK BOTH WAYS  S.FREEDLINE 930601 4864
   Desc: Help the boy safely cross the street
12574 CAT N MOUSE  S.FREEDLINE 930601 10240
   Desc: Help the cat catch the mouse!
12570 STARWARS  S.FREEDLINE 930529 4736
   Desc: A Space Shoot-em up game.
12569 STAR SCANNER  S.FREEDLINE 930529 12160
   Desc: Yet another space game.
12568 ARENA49152  S.FREEDLINE 930529 2816
   Desc: An Asteroids styled game.
12544 PINBALL71B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42624
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12542 MUSICGAME.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 33024
   Desc: a juke box game
12541 PINBALL52C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 38528
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12540 PINBALL52B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 46208
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12538 PINBALL52A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12536 PINBALL71C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42368
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12534 PINBALL71A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12533 PINBALL70C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42624
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12532 PINBALL70B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42752
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12531 PINBALL70A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12530 PINBALL69C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42112
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12529 PINBALL69B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 41728
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12528 PINBALL69A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12527 PINBALL68C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 43264
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12526 PINBALL68B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42880
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12525 PINBALL68A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12524 PINBALL67C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42112
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12523 PINBALL67B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 41856
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12522 PINBALL67A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12521 PINBALL66C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 43008
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12520 PINBALL66B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42752
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12519 PINBALL66A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12518 PINBALL65C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 41984
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12517 PINBALL65B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 41856
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12516 PINBALL65A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5760
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12515 PINBALL64C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42240
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12514 PINBALL64B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42240
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12513 PINBALL64A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12512 PINBALL63C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 41728
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12511 PINBALL63B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 41216
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12510 PINBALL63A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12509 PINBALL62C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42624
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12508 PINBALL62B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42880
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12507 PINBALL62A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12506 PINBALL61C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 44160
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12505 PINBALL61B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 44288
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12504 PINBALL61A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5760
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12503 PINBALL60C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42240
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12502 PINBALL60B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 42752
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12500 PINBALL60A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12498 PINBALL59C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 41600
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12497 PINBALL59B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 43776
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12496 PINBALL59A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12495 PINBALL58C.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 41984
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12494 PINBALL58B.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 43648
   Desc: 4 pinball game pkg!
12493 PINBALL58A.SFX  C.STEWART15 930522 5888
   Desc: 4 game pinball pkg
12482 PINBALL31D.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930516 33792
   Desc: A Disk Full of Pinball Games!!!
12481 PINBALL31C.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930516 31360
   Desc: A Disk Full of Pinball Games!
12480 PINBALL31B.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930516 31872
   Desc: A Disk Full of Pinball Games!
12479 PINBALL31A.SDA  S.FREEDLINE 930516 33536
   Desc: A Disk full of Pinball Games!
11122 GLUTTON.SFX  JBEE 930214 12928
   Desc: a monster and maze game with dots
11119 MENTALMOONS.SFX  JBEE 930213 26752
   Desc: a tough joystick game
11118 PINBALL57A.SFX  JBEE 930213 45824
   Desc: whole disk pinball game
11117 PINBALL57B.SFX  JBEE 930213 42880
   Desc: whole disk pinball game
11020 PINBALL56A.SFX  JBEE 930206 44416
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
11019 PINBALL56B.SFX  JBEE 930206 43136
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
11003 PINBALL55A.SFX  JBEE 930131 45312
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
11001 PINBALL55B.SFX  JBEE 930131 44672
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
10951 PINBALL53B.SFX  JBEE 930124 44800
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
10946 PINBALL53A.SFX  JBEE 930123 44672
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
10944 SPACEPOPE.SDA  R.KNOP1 930123 45824
   Desc: Space Pope - shoot 'em up for C64
10931 PINBALL54A.SFX  JBEE 930123 26496
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
10930 PINBALL54B.SFX  JBEE 930123 23424
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
10929 PINBALL54C.SFX  JBEE 930123 43904
   Desc: a whole disk pinball game
10928 TERMINALCITY.SDA  JBEE 930123 37888
   Desc: one of the best C-64 games ever!
10926 COMMANDO.SFX  JBEE 930121 18944
   Desc: shoot waves of enemy soliders
10925 DEPTHCHARGE.SFX  JBEE 930121 16768
   Desc: bomb the submarines
10924 TRASHMAN.SFX  JBEE 930121 21632
   Desc: a frogger type of game
10729 ROOFUS.SFX  B.LUCIER1 921231 10624
   Desc: arcade game for the C-64
10516 BLUE THUNDER  R.CLARK70 921128 30848
   Desc: Use joystick to bomb & shoot enemy.
10488 GALAXIAN.ARC  B.LUCIER1 921119 7680
   Desc: just like the arcade...
10456 WHAMBALL  R.CLARK70 921114 3712
   Desc: Try your luck at the pinball game.
10433 SPACE-DODGE  R.CLARK70 921109 4864
   Desc: Fast action-packed space shoot-em
10429 VOLLYBALL  R.CLARK70 921109 3840
   Desc: Two player game of volly ball.
10256 HIGH NOON  R.CLARK70 921015 41088
   Desc: shootem up western
9713 CUA.SDA  S.GOLDSMITH2 20517 16128
   Desc: C64 shoot'em up with source code!
9637 TARG.SDA  B.LUCIER 920417 4992
   Desc: arcade maze game - kill or b killed
9550 STAR BATTLE  EMPATHIC 920328 9088
   Desc: This is a star trek/klingon battle
9532 PACMAN 2  LLOYD 920321 10368
   Desc: Pacman arcade game
9463 MEGATANK.SFX  P.PENTZ 920219 38144
   Desc: scrolling graphic shootem up!
9203 OUTPOST.ARC  M.BACHAND1 911019 47616
   Desc: A c64 arcade game!
8916 ROCKFALL1988.ARC  GULLIBLE 910601 48768
   Desc: Rockfall 1988 - Super Rockfall
8859 SCUD BUSTERS V1  M.BACHAND1 910511 14592
   Desc: Patriots vs Scuds
8661 ROCKFALL.SDA  K.EISENHART 910221 32760
   Desc: GREAT GAME Rockfall 1987 fullname
8659 ROCKLVLS.SDA  K.EISENHART 910221 16380
   Desc: Rockfall.sda New Game Levels
8248 WIERDWAR 64  J.ZIELINSKY1 00909 50400
   Desc: shoot'em up for c-64
7778 WARRIOR.SDA  E.G.BELL 900214 49140
   Desc: Warriors of the crown by Paul Spomer
7507 KRACKOUT-PRO  V.LEON3 891028 46620
   Desc: Krackout, enhanced!
7232 PEGASIS.SDA  W.HENSLEY 890802 17640
   Desc: Plays like joust,one or two players
   Desc: modified version of file 4606
6647 ZIX2  D.FERNAU2 890305 6300
   Desc: Arkanoid-type game!
6045 KRACKOUT  JEEPER 880806 52920
   Desc: A variation of Breakout.
5988 SLOTCARS  T.RIZZI 880707 44100
   Desc: Slot Car Game
5203 TREK TRIVIA II  G.GRESH 871129 7560
   Desc: test your knowledge of star trek
4608 SWORDMASTER.SDA  B.GROVER 870801 8820
   Desc: Swordfighting Lo-Res Action!
4606 SHUTTLE MISSION  B.GROVER 870731 6300
   Desc: Lo-Res Shuttle Simulation!
4605 HOOKDODGER.SDA  JBEE 870801 17640
   Desc: Fishing Action!
4604 MOONDOG.SDA  JBEE 870731 12600
   Desc: Ship-To-Alien Battle!
4602 LUNALIGHT.SDA  JBEE 870731 21420
   Desc: On The Surface...
4595 SUPERTANK I  JBEE 870730 7560
   Desc: Tank Battle ShootEm Up!
4594 ODIN  JBEE 870730 6300
   Desc: Phoenix-Type Game!
4592 HALLOWEEN  JBEE 870730 11340
   Desc: The Big Pumpkin??
4591 GUN FIGHTER  JBEE 870730 3780
   Desc: Are You Quick Enough?
4590 ATTACK FORCE  JBEE 870730 11340
   Desc: Save Yourself!
4588 THUNDERAIDERS  JBEE 870730 6300
   Desc: 2-Player Space Shoot-Out!
4587 ARMAGEDDON  JBEE 870730 7560
   Desc: Great Game Takeoff!
4567 CEVIUZ.ARC  JBEE 870729 66780
   Desc: Great Defensive Game!
4566 RAGS2RICHES.SDA  JBEE 870729 36540
   Desc: Are You BUM Material!?
3955 KANGA.SDA  TIGLON.G 870502 22680
   Desc: Q-Bert Type Game!!
3897 EAGLE EMPIRE  J.ADAMS 870421 25200
   Desc: A fantastic PHOENIX-like arcade game
3627 CYBERWAR.ARC  J.VEASEY 870318 23940
   Desc: Amazing 2-Player Blast Out!!!
3569 QUANTUMWAR.ARC  J.VEASEY 870310 20160
   Desc: 2Player Shoot 'em Up Game!
3426 PINBALL ARCADE  TMO 870212 2520
   Desc: FAST Pinball Game!
3411 MOSQUITO CHASE  TIGLON.G 870210 50400
   Desc: Obliterate the Mosquitos!!
3410 CLOUD STRIKE  TIGLON.G 870210 15120
   Desc: Fight To Save Your Men!
3369 3-D TANK FIGHTER  TIGLON.G 870206 18900
   Desc: Ready! Aim! Destroy Those Subs!
3308 SARBO.ARC  M.CRUMLEY 870129 36540
   Desc: Save Your Formulas!!!!!
3302 PLANETOIDS  M.CRUMLEY 870128 50400
   Desc: Asteroids Type Game!!!!!
3128 TIGER TANK  D.BURTON 870111 8820
   Desc: Arcade Style Tank Game
3097 FIGHTER  TIGLON.G 870107 6300
   Desc: Guard The Air From Creatures!
3073 SAVE THE BANK  TIGLON.G 870106 3780
   Desc: Catch the Thieves!!
3071 JAILBREAK  TIGLON.G 870106 5040
   Desc: Breakout! Type Game
3070 LAVA PIT  TIGLON.G 870106 10080
   Desc: JOUST type Game
3069 HERBIE TRACKER  TIGLON.G 870106 6300
   Desc: Get Your Tracks Together!
3068 MAZE MANIA  TIGLON.G 870106 6300
   Desc: Nerve Racking Mazes!
3067 PENQUINS.49152  TIGLON.G 870106 3780
   Desc: Play Frogger with Penquins!
   Desc: Sea Battle Action
2751 MAZE RUNNER  C.HOGAN 861130 2520
   Desc: Maze Action!
2489 STAR TREK.ARC (V1.D)  JGOERL 861023 40320
   Desc: Classic Space Game!
2474 GRIDLOCK  S.GRACE 861019 5040
   Desc: ML Arcade Action!
2122 MONSTER PANIC  JGOERL 860904 12600
   Desc: Monster Action/Arcade!
2004 BOXING  A.COHEN 860823 11340
   Desc: Boxing For Two!
1943 MENU SYS SORTER  J.BENNETT 860820 2520
   Desc: Sorts Games with SYS Starts
1766 CATERPILLAR  TIGLON.G 860810 5040
   Desc: Centipede Game!
1764 L  TIGLON.G 860810 5040
   Desc: ML File for Caterpillar
1762 CREEPS.O  W.DRESCHER 860809 16380
   Desc: Main program for creeps.c
1761 CREEPS.O BOOT  W.DRESCHER 860809 1260
   Desc: Loader for Creeps.O
1757 METEOR SHOWER  W.DRESCHER 860809 50400
   Desc: Space arcade game
1737 SKRAMBLE  W.DRESCHER 860806 34020
   Desc: Great Space Arcade Game!
1411 BALLOON CRAZY  WRB7154 860622 2520
   Desc: Arcade Action Catch!
1410 BALLOON.BOOT  WRB7154 860622 1260
   Desc: Boot for #1411
1394 ROBBERS  BOROMIR 860617 15120
   Desc: arcade/multi-screen/great graphics
1351 XEROPUS  STEVENS. 860611 11340
   Desc: Nice graphics, Galaga type game
1280 YATSEE  UNICORNFREAK 60606 10080
   Desc: The classic Yatsee Game for the 64!


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