These are the edited minutes of the October 9, l989 Conference with SSI-JOHN of Software Support International which produces the Maverick back-up program, the 1750 Clone, The 1581 Toolkit and numerous other products for the C64 and C128. SSI-JOHN graciously came to answer GEnie user questions about his firm's products. Attendees: [[Ted] DO-RAE-MI] [SSI-JOHN] [C128-BILL] [J.MABRY] [C.SMEETS] How are your sales of Mavrick? Maverick has sold over 10K copies! How does that compare to the sales of game programs? Not as good, but that's because we are a utility. But for a utility, it's good. Well, the file copier is one of the fastest I have ever seen, John. Nice graphics menu screen, too. Bill, whats on for tonight?? Well, we have you here so that our members could meet you, but there is light turnout tonight . Ok, with the people here tonight, does anyone have any questions I might be able to answer?? Could we ask you a few questions, and post the answers in the Library files? You bet. Oh- OK, you read my mind. . Yes I have a few....First, are there any new new Utility programs coming out from Software Support International? Yes, but the new ones are in the Maverick. Would that be a new Parameters disk? Yes, Parameter Disk #7 and Maverick #4. Maverick version 4? Nice! Are upgrades from 2 offered for previous owners? Yes, if they are registered. OK, what does Version 4 have that say version 2 or 3 doesn't have? Improved utilities and new utilities like a file viewer for text files and the like. Bug fixes and better looking utilities. Gee, your utilities look good in earlier versions, John. We had a user ask a question about the 1541 RAM board.... They will look better & there is going to be a new 1581 data copier. Ok, what is it?? The 1581 works very well with Maverick, that I have seen, John. <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> One that is happy with Jiffydos, I hope? Now even better. His question was with Maverick and the RamBoard, and if they were ok to use together... Jiffy and Maverick seem to be happy together, Ted. Of course, the RamBoard can only be used with the Maverick Parm modules.. Does the RamBoard give the 1541 extra memory, or a new ROM? Just 8K more ram in the drive. Does it store the last information accessed, like the 1581? No, unless you want to access the ram directly with your own routines. So it acts like an I/O buffer? More or less, but gives the drive the ability to read in and write out a whole track at once. So the speed increase is from this ability. What about the Maverick Speed Control box? I don't hear much about it. No, there is no access speed increase per se. It's just to give you the ability to duplicate disks that can't be done with software only. Could you tell us more about the newest 81 copier utility, and will it be in the 1581 Toolkit? is here. No, the 81 Toolkit has a 81 data copier but this one will be a little different... Hi guys <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> & Hi Chris! Chris, meet John from Software Support International. So, are we all giving thanks today that God gave us Commodore Business Machines? To some extent Chris. <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> :> Hello John Hi Chris.. No, that you wrote CSDOS and ARC. If you hadn't we all would be in big trouble!! So, what is the nature of Software Support International? Well we develop and sell software for the 64 and 128. Some of their products, Chris are, The 1750 Clone, SuperSnapshot, Maverick, and alot more. 1750 clone? I got a query. go ahead.. I was fiddling about the other day trying to get the 1750 to interrupt on transfer completion, but couldn't get anywhere. How does it work, exactly Chris you know more about the operation of the REU's than I do. I would look into the timing signals of the REU... The 1750 manual just says "interrupt", it doesn't specify if its an NMI or an IRQ. Do you know which? hmm, try the IRQ. I tried playing around, first assuming it was NMI, then that it was IRQ, but nothing seemed to work. Are you trying to create an interupt at the end of data transfer or before? Well, the problem is in trying to transfer to RAM that is at $D000 - $DFFF. Normally I'd just test the flag in $DF00, but you need to switch I/O out to do the transfer Ah the I/O register banks, you will probably have to do some bank swithching then.. What I thought would happen, is that an NMI or IRQ would occur when the transfer was complete and that bit 6 of $DF00 would be set. Hmm, well tell you what, send me a detailed letter at work and I will pass it along to our programmer to look at. So what I'd do is go to an all RAM config so that the transfer goes where its supposed to, and then just go into a loop and wait for my irq routine to toggle some flag in RAM, but the flag never got toggled. Don't know then. Is this for your Term program, Chris? Oh well, it's not that important. I found a way to get around it. No, I just wanted a general purpose subroutine to safely transfer blocks to 'anywhere' in the C128. OK, thanks. I still think your Term works great with the 9600 baud xfers. I just wrote a routine today that XFERs from the 128 to the PC at 115200 baud over a null modem. Thats about twice as fast as the 1581. Good grief! 115K baud xfers? It only works over a null modem. You need a very clean connection. It's not writing to disk, then. Are you using the REU for a drive? No, I'm opening the file for 'burst load' then sending the bytes directly to the PC as they come in. BTW, John. It seemed that CBM has made the 1750 a tad easier to get. Are you people seeing this on the west coast? Just now. But you will continue to supply the 1750 Clone (I hope). I get the impression that a large percentage of 128 owners have 1750's. Would you agree? yes. Like more than half? I would say like 50 - 60 percent. The extra RAM is nice for speed and storage. But there seems to be little support for the REU. Directly, yes. More people should start writing software for it directly. What is really nice is to see is when SSI not only uses the REU, but also the 64K video ram for file copiers. Software writers tend to write their stuff for the largest possible audience, so they don't want to make their stuff 1750 dependant Well, it looks as if more & more people are buying the REU, and asking for software to support it. Are you still marketing CSDOS thru Ampere Metal? Yes John just mentioned that Maverick has sold over 10K copies. Pretty good for a utility! What does it do? File copier, fast disk copier, backup copies, etc. I've got another query. Are you familiar with the Quick Brown Box? Ted and I have one. John, do you have one? Yes, at work. <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> & Quick Brown Boxes are at Genie-mail address QBB.B, as I recall. Ah, I was wondering how they work. <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> In general very nicely. But BTP won't go therein. :< Like, is the RAM accessible by the CPU. Could I write CS-DOS to execute directly in the box? I think they are addressed differently than the REU. Yes, I think you might be able to get it all in the newer QBB-B, which is 128K. The QBB-B is really a second 64K QBB. I have UT3 autobooting on mine. How do you go about accessing the RAM. Do you just switch banks like a cartridge ROM, or is there some special protocol like with the REU <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> & the nice thing I'm told is the REU 1750/clone & the box can be active at once on a cartridge expansion board. Don't know, Chris. I have QBB's phone number here, somewhere, if you would like it. What happens when you -- bank 4: peek(32768) -- do you see what is in the box? <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> I have it here. 617/275-0090 on the manual that came with the QBB. $$$$ How mucho? It have a 64 and a 128 Manager program for a utility. Right around a hundred bucks, Chris. Is that for the 128K one or the 64K For the 64K version. But Barb Mintz can tell you the latest prices. Hmm...sounds interesting. Do you know if there is any tech info in the libraries Not in our Libs, here. They have a section on the B.B. under Cat 18 Talk To The Trade. John, do you think the latest dribble of CBM 1750 will affect the sales for the Clone? Not much if any at all. People do realize that CBM is a tad unreliable to pushing a steady stream of REU's out the door. I think the RAM prices are still dropping, no? I'm gonna take off guys. Nice chatting with you. <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> Good night, Chris! G'night, Chris, take care. Me too guys. Catch you later OK, John. Thanx for coming tonight. <[Ted] DO-RAE-MI> Take care John.