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-= TheFox =-

GEnie Commodore File Library

For more info about the history of GEnie,
please visit the GEnie page on Wikipedia.

For more info on Joe Ekaitis and T.H.E. Fox,
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T.H.E._Fox
Library: 54 - T.H.E. FOX <tm> by Joe Ekaitis

16317 OJ.GIF  T.FOX5 940929 12032
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox Opinion Cartoon
14897 INDEXGIF.TXT  JBEE 940519 20864
   Desc: index for T.H.E. Fox .gifs
12409 FOXDE90.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 23936
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12408 FOXJL190.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 24576
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12407 FOXJU190.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 24320
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12406 FOXJU390.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 26880
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12405 FOXMA190.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 27904
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12404 FOXAP190.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 22272
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12403 FOXMR190.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 29056
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12402 FOXNO189.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 26624
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12401 FOXFE190.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 26368
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12400 FOXJA190.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 27264
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12399 FOXDE189.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 28160
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12398 BEST.FOX.3B.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 37248
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12397 FOXOC489.SRS  S.FREEDLINE 930430 40320
   Desc: A Fox Comic Strip!
12388 BIO-T.FOX5.TXT  T.FOX5 930426 2432
   Desc: Joe Ekaitis's bio!
12371 FPRIZE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 4096
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox has an accident.
12370 FO389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 3584
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox watches Thirty-Something
12369 FO289.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 3456
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox rides an elevator.
12368 F3489.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 4352
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox plays baseball.
12366 F5389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 4608
   Desc: Bunn E. jokes with a Hyena!
12365 FXNY89.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 3200
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox discusses the New Year.
12364 F3389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 4224
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox makes eggs.
12363 F6489.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 3456
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox has a room for rent.
12362 F6389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 4736
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox does a crossword puzzle.
12361 FXMS90.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 2688
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. at Christmas!
12360 F6289.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 4096
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Griz Lee & Horseriding
12359 F6189.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 3456
   Desc: Some Mice find a Rabbit's Foot.
12358 F7589.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 3968
   Desc: The Wolf cries 'Boy!'
12357 F7489.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 4096
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and a gopher.
12356 F7389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930423 4096
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox is obsessed!
12354 F5289.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 2816
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and a skunk.
12353 F7289.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 1664
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox in 70 mm.
12352 F1489.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 5248
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits the 'Bud' Horses.
12351 F1389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 2432
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox needs to adjust his TV.
12350 F1289.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4736
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox receives a letter.
12349 F1189.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4480
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox eats horseradish.
12348 FXMS89.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3200
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox sings Xmas Carols.
12347 F2489.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4224
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox potty trains!
12346 F2389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3072
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox makes a movie.
12345 F2289.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4224
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. visit a museum
12344 F2189.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4864
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits a Pizza Place.
12343 F8489.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 5248
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. house shop.
12342 F8389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. have a fight.
12341 F8289.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3840
   Desc: Bunn E. as a Coffee Taster.
12340 F8189.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3968
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox eats a sandwich.
12339 F4589.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 2816
   Desc: Bunn E. gets a new camera lens.
12338 F4389.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4096
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. in T-Shirts
12337 F4289.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3968
   Desc: Bunn E. plays a joke on T.H.E. Fox.
12336 F9488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 5760
   Desc: A frienly game of basketball.
12335 F9388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3968
   Desc: Bunn E. and Cayenne Pepper.
12334 F9288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4480
   Desc: A Fox shopping channel!
12333 F9188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 2560
   Desc: A Fox color-by-number.
12332 FO588.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4864
   Desc: Bunn E. in a Race.
12331 FO488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 2944
   Desc: A Japanese Fox!
12330 FO388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4608
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits a video store
12329 FO288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3456
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. play chess.
12327 FO188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4608
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox stuck on a window.
12326 FN388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3968
   Desc: Bunn E. & his new glasses.
12325 FN288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3968
   Desc: Bunn E. tries to improve vision
12324 FN188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4096
   Desc: Bunn E. gets glasses.
12323 FXNY88.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4992
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox isn't a party animal
12322 FHALW.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3968
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. as ghosts.
12321 FHAL88.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4480
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. & a Party.
12320 FXMS88.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 1792
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. view Xmas Star.
12319 FD588.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4864
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox plays Zorro.
12318 FD488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3584
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox takes a sled ride.
12317 FD388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3968
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. eat breakfast.
12316 F9487.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox gets an idea!
12315 F9387.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox plays Twister!
12314 F9287.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3584
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. window shop.
12313 FO487.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3968
   Desc: Bunn E. demonstrates a sweeper.
12312 FO387.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and Bear Claws.
12311 FO287.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3712
   Desc: Bunn E. studies the red fox.
12310 FN487.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3712
   Desc: Bunn E. enjoys Barry Mannilow.
12309 FN387.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Vampire Bats.
12308 FN287.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3840
   Desc: Bunn E. uses an ATM.
12307 F3488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3584
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox is a bully!
12306 F3388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 5376
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Goldilocks.
12305 F3288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4352
   Desc: Cannonball Griz Lee.
12304 F3188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 3456
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox uses Bunn E.'s ears.
12303 F7588.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4608
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. on a MerryGoRound
12302 F7488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930422 4992
   Desc: Bunn E. signs autographs.
12299 F7388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 4864
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. get some sun.
12298 F7288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 4608
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox turns into a skunk.
12297 F7188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 3712
   Desc: Is it a Weasel or a Polar Bear?
12296 F6488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 3712
   Desc: Bunn E. swats a fly.
12295 F6388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 4736
   Desc: Bunn E. & a Nasty Sneeze!
12294 F6188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 2560
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox in stereo.
12293 F1588.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 3584
   Desc: Bunn E.'s Nasty Hook.
12292 F1488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 3712
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. play Odd Couple.
12291 F1388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930421 4608
   Desc: Fox visits Italian Restaurant.
12278 F1288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 4736
   Desc: Grizzly loses a contact lens.
12277 F1188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 4224
   Desc: Bunn E. uses ankle weights.
12276 F2488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 4608
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox makes microwave popcorn.
12275 F2388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Friends & Soap Operas.
12274 F2288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 2944
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox in a snowball battle.
12273 F2188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 3328
   Desc: Bunn E. is hit by a steamroller.
12272 FE88C.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 3584
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & a stained glass window.
12271 FE88.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 3840
   Desc: A Bunn E. Easter Comic.
12270 F5488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 4480
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox disciplines a friend.
12269 F5388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and toothpaste.
12267 FD287.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 2944
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and Fox Spray
12266 FD187.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930420 4096
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox loses his coat
12249 F5288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3328
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. meet an aquatic friend
12248 F5188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 2944
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox loses his credit card.
12247 FD487.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 4096
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits the deli section.
12245 FD89B.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 2048
   Desc: Father's Day Greeting - Part 2
12244 FD89A.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 2432
   Desc: Father's Day Greeting - Part 1
12243 FXMAS.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 1920
   Desc: A Fox Christmas Wish
12242 F8488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 4224
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox in a novelty shop.
12241 F8288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3328
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & the joys of microwaves
12240 F8188.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3968
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and his day off.
12239 FA488.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 4480
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox sports his Dingos.
12238 FA388.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3712
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox pokes fun at colorization
12237 FA288.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 4096
   Desc: A Fox in Bunn E. clothing.
12236 FXSE1.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3968
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & friends share dinner.
12235 FNO187.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. & a video game.
12234 FXM89B.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 2816
   Desc: Mom's Day Greeting - Part 2.
12233 FXM89A.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 2944
   Desc: Mom's Day Greeting - Part 1.
12232 FXMA5.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3456
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. share a carrot.
12231 FXMA4.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3328
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. & Gingerbread
12230 FXMA1.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930419 3200
   Desc: Fox & Polar Bear go shopping.
12227 FXMA3.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 3328
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and his morning coffee.
12226 FXMA2.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 3200
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. & an itch!
12225 FXJU4.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 3328
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. & feathers.
12224 FXJU3.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 3328
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. meet a Panda.
12223 FXJU2.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 3968
   Desc: Bunn E., T.H.E. Fox, & Snuggles.
12222 FXJU1.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 4224
   Desc: The Tortoise and the 'Hare?'
12221 FXJL4.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 3456
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. go to arcade.
12220 FXJL3.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 3456
   Desc: Bunn E. goes wild with Post-Its.
12219 FXJL2.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930418 3200
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. go bowling.
12193 FXJL1.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 3072
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. watch game show
12192 FXAU5.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 4352
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Little Red Riding Hood.
12191 FXAU4.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 3456
   Desc: Anyone for some Fox Lemonade?
12190 FXAU3.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 3072
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits a Picasso exhibit.
12189 FXAU2.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 3584
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox after a shower.
12188 FXAU1.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits 'The Thinker'
12187 FXAP4.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 3456
   Desc: The fourth of four Fox cartoons.
12186 FXAP3.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 2432
   Desc: The third of four Fox cartoons
12185 FXAP2.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 2944
   Desc: The second of four Fox cartoons
12184 FXAP1.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930412 3072
   Desc: The first of four Fox cartoons
12183 GGFOXOC389  S.FREEDLINE 930411 6144
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox watches 'Thirtysomething'
12182 GGFOXOC289  S.FREEDLINE 930411 5376
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox rides an elevator.
12181 GGFOXMR489  S.FREEDLINE 930411 6400
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox plays baseball.
12180 GGFOXMR289  S.FREEDLINE 930411 5632
   Desc: Bunn E. and T.H.E. Fox at dinner.
12179 GGFOXMA389  S.FREEDLINE 930411 6528
   Desc: Bunn E. jokes with a Hyena.
12178 GGFOXNEWYEAR89  S.FREEDLINE 930411 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox discusses the New Year.
12177 GGFOXMR389  S.FREEDLINE 930411 5504
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox makes eggs.
12176 GGFOXJU489  S.FREEDLINE 930411 5760
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox has a Room for Rent.
12175 GGFOXJU389  S.FREEDLINE 930411 7168
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox does a crossword puzzle.
12174 GGCHRISTMAS90  S.FREEDLINE 930411 4224
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and Bunn E. at Xmas.
12173 GGFOXJU289  S.FREEDLINE 930411 5888
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and Grizzly horse riding.
12172 GGFOXJU189  S.FREEDLINE 930411 6144
   Desc: Some Mice find a Rabbit's Foot.
12171 GGFOXJL589  S.FREEDLINE 930411 5376
   Desc: The Wolf cries 'Boy!'
12170 GGFOXJL489  S.FREEDLINE 930411 6144
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and a gopher.
12169 GGFOXJL389  S.FREEDLINE 930411 6016
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox is obsessed.
12168 GGFOXMA289  S.FREEDLINE 930411 4224
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and a skunk
12167 GGFOXJL289  S.FREEDLINE 930411 3968
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox in 70 mm
12101 GGFOXJA489  S.FREEDLINE 930404 6016
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits the 'Bud' Horses.
12100 GGFOXJA389  S.FREEDLINE 930404 3968
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox needs to adjust his TV.
12099 GGFOXJA289  S.FREEDLINE 930404 5376
   Desc: Fox receives an important letter.
12098 GGFOXJA189  S.FREEDLINE 930404 6272
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox eats some horseradish.
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox sings Christmas carols.
12096 GGFOXFE489  S.FREEDLINE 930404 6016
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox potty trains :)
12095 GGFOXFE389  S.FREEDLINE 930404 4352
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox makes a movie.
12094 GGFOXFE289  S.FREEDLINE 930404 5888
   Desc: Fox and Bunn E. visit a museum.
12093 GGFOXFE189  S.FREEDLINE 930404 6912
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits a Pizza Place.
12092 GGFOXAU489  S.FREEDLINE 930404 7168
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. house shopping
12091 GGFOXAU389  S.FREEDLINE 930404 4992
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and Bunn E. have a fight.
12090 GGFOXAU289  S.FREEDLINE 930404 5376
   Desc: Bunn E. as a Coffee Taster.
12089 GGFOXAU189  S.FREEDLINE 930404 5760
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox eats a sandwich.
12088 GGFOXAP589  S.FREEDLINE 930404 4608
   Desc: Bunn E. gets a new camera lens.
12087 GGFOXAP389  S.FREEDLINE 930404 5376
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox and Bunn E. in T-shirts.
12086 GGFOXAP289  S.FREEDLINE 930404 6016
   Desc: Bunn E. plays a joke on T.H.E. Fox.
12085 GGFOX4THJULY89  S.FREEDLINE 930404 8192
   Desc: A July 4th Tradition.
12084 JJFOXNO488  S.FREEDLINE 930404 3456
   Desc: Bunn E. watches ScoobyDoo.
12083 JJFOXDE288  S.FREEDLINE 930404 4736
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX as a hairstylist.
12082 GGFOXSE488  S.FREEDLINE 930404 7936
   Desc: A *friendly* game of Basketball.
12081 GGFOXSE388  S.FREEDLINE 930404 5248
   Desc: Bunn E. and Cayenne Pepper
12070 GGFOXSE288  S.FREEDLINE 930331 5760
   Desc: A Fox shopping channel
12069 GGFOXSE188  S.FREEDLINE 930331 3456
   Desc: A Fox color-by-number
12068 GGFOXOC588  S.FREEDLINE 930331 6016
   Desc: Bunn E. in a race.
12067 GGFOXOC488  S.FREEDLINE 930331 3968
   Desc: A Japanese version of T.H.E. Fox.
12066 GGFOXOC388  S.FREEDLINE 930331 6272
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox visits the video store.
12065 GGFOXOC288  S.FREEDLINE 930331 4736
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. play chess.
12064 GGFOXOC188  S.FREEDLINE 930331 5632
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox is stuck on a window.
12063 GGFOXNO388  S.FREEDLINE 930331 5120
   Desc: Bunn E. and his new glasses.
12062 GGFOXNO288  S.FREEDLINE 930331 4864
   Desc: Bunn E. tries to improve his vision
12061 GGFOXNO188  S.FREEDLINE 930331 5376
   Desc: Bunn E. gets glasses.
12059 GGFOXNEWYEAR88  S.FREEDLINE 930331 6144
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox is a party animal, NOT!
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. dress up as ghosts.
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. at a Halloween Party.
   Desc: Fox & Bunn E. view the Xmas Star.
12055 GGFOXDE588  S.FREEDLINE 930331 6144
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox plays Zorro.
12054 GGFOXDE488  S.FREEDLINE 930331 4480
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox goes bobsledding.
12053 GGFOXDE388  S.FREEDLINE 930331 5504
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. eat breakfast.
12052 GGFOXSE487  S.FREEDLINE 930331 5248
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox gets an idea!
12051 GGFOXSE387  S.FREEDLINE 930331 4736
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox plays Twister!
12050 GGFOXSE287  S.FREEDLINE 930331 4096
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. window shop.
12020 FXPORTK.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2944
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons.
12019 FXPORTJ.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 3456
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons.
12018 FXPORTI.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4864
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons.
12017 FXPORTH.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4096
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons.
12016 FXPORTG.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 3456
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons.
12015 FXPORTF.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 3968
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons.
12014 FXPORTE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 3968
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons.
12013 FXPORTD.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4736
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons
12012 FXPORTC.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4224
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons
12011 FXPORTB.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4352
   Desc: A series of Bunn E. cartoons.
12010 FXPORTA.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2432
   Desc: A Series of Bunn E. Cartoons
12009 FXMOMB.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 1792
   Desc: A Fox Mother's Day Greeting.
12008 FXMOMA.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2688
   Desc: A Fox Mother's Day Greeting
12007 FXMESSI.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2432
   Desc: MESSIAH album cover
12006 FXJOE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2176
   Desc: Cartoon Charicature of Joe Ekaitis
12005 FXINVNT.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2560
   Desc: Carlo in silhouette
12004 FXHALLW.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4992
   Desc: An Excellent Halloween Picture.
12003 FXFUGUE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4096
   Desc: Raccoon on a Bach album cover
12002 FXHOOTR.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4096
   Desc: It's not what you think!
12001 FXVALEN.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2944
   Desc: A Fox Valentine Greeting
12000 FXTDY87.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 1792
   Desc: A Fox Thanksgiving
11999 FXILLUS.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2944
   Desc: A Fox optical illusion
11998 FXAUCT.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2688
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox as an auctioneer.
11997 FXARTIS.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2816
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox dressed as an artist.
11996 FXFINAL.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2816
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX bids farewell
11995 FXARTLS.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2048
   Desc: How to draw T.H.E. FOX
11994 FXFWORX.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 4224
   Desc: Carlo lights a huge firecracker
11993 FXERDLE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 3712
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox's Easter Riddle
11992 FXCYTE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 2304
   Desc: A Swinging Carlo.
11991 FXRATZ.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930328 3328
   Desc: A Fox Consumer Tip
11990 FXSLAYS.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3968
   Desc: Meet Dippity Dragon!!!
11989 FXTTOWN.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 5248
   Desc: A mad giant Roger Rabbit
11988 FXBDAY.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3584
   Desc: A Birthday Card
11987 FXTCOAT.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3840
   Desc: Thaddeus Fox - Private Eye
11986 FXTOON.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 4480
   Desc: Carlo becomes Roger Rabbit
11985 FXMOVIE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3584
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox & Bunn E. Movie Ad
11984 FXRBTJN.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 4224
   Desc: A Fox Movie Ad
11983 FXOCHTE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox is airborne!
11982 FXPIXS.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 5504
   Desc: Pictures at an Exhibition
11981 FXPRANGR.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3712
   Desc: Grizzly as a Park Ranger
11980 FXORGAN.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3840
   Desc: Raccoon on Bach LP cover.
11979 FXNINTH.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3456
   Desc: Carlo on a Beethoven LP cover.
11978 FXNWRLD.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3712
   Desc: Carlo in New York.
11977 FXMOUSE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3584
   Desc: It's just a * tiny * mouse :)
11976 RTRFOX.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3584
   Desc: Bunn E. & Fox on a rocking horse.
11975 FOXWOLF.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 2688
   Desc: A GIANT Wolf.
11974 FXWATER.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3840
   Desc: Carlo on an LP cover.
11973 FXTIMBR.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3328
   Desc: Grey Fox on a cold winter night.
11972 SPRKLFX.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 2304
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX enjoying some sparklers.
11971 FXROGER.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 4224
   Desc: Roger Rabbit & T.H.E. FOX
11970 FOXPRED.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 2688
   Desc: Bunn E. prepares for a feast.
11969 THEFOX.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3840
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX up close!
11968 FXRIDLE.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 3584
   Desc: A Mouse riddle
11967 MRGOFOX.GIF  S.FREEDLINE 930327 2688
   Desc: A FOX Merry-Go-Round
11896 GGFOXOC587  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4224
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX and a speed bump
11895 GGFOXOC487  S.FREEDLINE 930321 5120
   Desc: Bunn E. demonstrates a sweeper.
11894 GGFOXOC387  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4736
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX and Bear Claws
11893 GGFOXOC287  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4224
   Desc: Bunn E. studies the red fox.
11892 GGFOXNO487  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4864
   Desc: Bunn E. enjoys Barry Manilow
11891 GGFOXNO387  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4992
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX and vampire bats
11890 GGFOXNO287  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4992
   Desc: Bunn E. uses an ATM
11889 GGFOXMR488  S.FREEDLINE 930321 6016
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX is a bully!
11888 GGFOXMR388  S.FREEDLINE 930321 6656
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX and Goldilocks
11887 GGFOXMR288  S.FREEDLINE 930321 6016
   Desc: A Cannonball Grizzly
11886 GGFOXMR188  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4608
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX uses BUNN E.'s ears
11885 GGFOXJL588  S.FREEDLINE 930321 5888
   Desc: Fox and Bunn E. on a merrygoround
11884 GGFOXJL488  S.FREEDLINE 930321 6528
   Desc: Bunn E. signs his autograph
11883 GGFOXJL388  S.FREEDLINE 930321 8448
   Desc: THE FOX and BUNN E. get some sun
11882 GGFOXJL288  S.FREEDLINE 930321 7808
   Desc: THE FOX turns into a Skunk.
11881 GGFOXJL188  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4736
   Desc: Is it a weasel or a polar bear?
11880 GGFOXJU488  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4608
   Desc: Bunn E. swats a fly
11879 GGFOXJU388  S.FREEDLINE 930321 6016
   Desc: Bunn E. and a nasty sneeze
11878 GGFOXJU288  S.FREEDLINE 930321 4352
   Desc: THE FOX and BUNN E in a paint fight
11877 GGFOXJU188  S.FREEDLINE 930321 3712
   Desc: THE FOX in stereo
11853 GGFOXJA588  S.FREEDLINE 930317 5120
   Desc: Bunn E. tries out a nasty look
11852 GGFOXJA488  S.FREEDLINE 930317 6272
   Desc: FOX & BUNN E. play the Odd Couple
11851 GGFOXJA388  S.FREEDLINE 930317 6912
   Desc: FOX goes to Italian restaurant
11850 GGFOXJA288  S.FREEDLINE 930317 5504
   Desc: Grizzly loses his contact lense
11849 GGFOXJA188  S.FREEDLINE 930317 5760
   Desc: Bunn E. tries out ankle weights
11848 GGFOXFE488  S.FREEDLINE 930317 6528
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX and his microwave.
11847 GGFOXFE388  S.FREEDLINE 930317 5120
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX enjoys a soap opera!
11846 GGFOXFE288  S.FREEDLINE 930317 4736
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX in a snowball battle
11845 GGFOXFE188  S.FREEDLINE 930317 4992
   Desc: Bunn E. gets hit by a steamroller
   Desc: THE FOX on an Easter Card
11841 GGFOXEASTER88  S.FREEDLINE 930317 6016
   Desc: A Bunn E. Easter comic
11805 GGFOXMA488  S.FREEDLINE 930314 6016
   Desc: THE FOX disciplines a friend
11804 GGFOXMA388  S.FREEDLINE 930314 5248
   Desc: THE FOX and toothpaste
11802 GGFOXMA288  S.FREEDLINE 930314 4608
   Desc: FOX and BUNN E. make a friend
11800 GGFOXMA188  S.FREEDLINE 930314 3712
   Desc: THE FOX loses his credit card
11799 GGFOXDE487  S.FREEDLINE 930314 5248
   Desc: THE FOX visits the deli section
11798 GGFOXDE287  S.FREEDLINE 930314 3712
   Desc: THE FOX and FOX spray
11797 GGFOXDE187  S.FREEDLINE 930314 6272
   Desc: THE FOX loses his coat
11796 GGFOXDAD89B  S.FREEDLINE 930314 3200
   Desc: Part 2 of a Fox Father's Day wish
11795 GGFOXDAD89A  S.FREEDLINE 930314 3328
   Desc: Part 1 of Fox Father's Day wish
11695 GGFOXXMAS  S.FREEDLINE 930313 2688
   Desc: A Fox Christmas wish
11694 GGFOXAU488  S.FREEDLINE 930313 5760
   Desc: THE FOX in a novelty shop
11693 GGFOXAU288  S.FREEDLINE 930313 4608
   Desc: THE FOX and the joys of microwaving
11692 GGFOXAU188  S.FREEDLINE 930313 4736
   Desc: THE FOX and his day off
11691 GGFOXAP488  S.FREEDLINE 930313 5632
   Desc: THE FOX sports his Dingos.
11690 GGFOXAP388  S.FREEDLINE 930313 6016
   Desc: The Fox pokes fun at colorization
11682 GGFOXAP288  S.FREEDLINE 930313 6400
   Desc: A FOX in Bunn E. clothing
11681 GGFOXSE1  S.FREEDLINE 930313 4864
   Desc: The Fox and friends share dinner
11680 GGFOXNO187  S.FREEDLINE 930313 4992
   Desc: Fox and Bunn E. go to the arcade
11679 GGFOXMOM89B  S.FREEDLINE 930313 7296
   Desc: Part 2 of a Fox Mom's day greeting
11678 GGFOXMOM89A  S.FREEDLINE 930313 7808
   Desc: Part 1 of a Fox Mom's day greeting
11597 GG FOXAU5  S.FREEDLINE 930308 5376
   Desc: #5 in a series of 5 FOX cartoons
11596 GG FOXAU4  S.FREEDLINE 930308 4096
   Desc: #4 in a series of 5 FOX cartoons
11595 GG FOXAU3  S.FREEDLINE 930308 3584
   Desc: #3 in a series of 5 Fox cartoons
11594 GG FOXAU2  S.FREEDLINE 930308 3968
   Desc: #2 in a series of 5 Fox cartoons
11593 GG FOXAU1  S.FREEDLINE 930308 5376
   Desc: Another Great series of Fox cartoons
11537 JJ PRTRT.6  S.FREEDLINE 930306 5120
   Desc: #6 in a series of 1 page comics
11500 GG PRTRT.11  S.FREEDLINE 930305 4992
   Desc: #11 in a series of 1 page comics
11499 GG PRTRT.10  S.FREEDLINE 930305 5504
   Desc: #10 in a series of 1 page comics
11498 GG PRTRT.9  S.FREEDLINE 930305 4736
   Desc: #9 in a series of 1 page comics
11497 GG PRTRT.8  S.FREEDLINE 930305 6016
   Desc: #8 in a series of 1 page comics
11496 GG PRTRT.7  S.FREEDLINE 930305 5376
   Desc: #7 in a series of 1 page comics
11495 GG PRTRT.6  S.FREEDLINE 930305 5120
   Desc: #6 in a series of 1 page comics
11494 GG PRTRT.5  S.FREEDLINE 930305 5504
   Desc: #5 in a series of 1 page comics
11493 GG PRTRT.4  S.FREEDLINE 930305 5376
   Desc: #4 in a series of 1 page comics
11492 GG PRTRT.3  S.FREEDLINE 930305 5888
   Desc: #3 in a series of 1 page comics
11491 GG PRTRT.2  S.FREEDLINE 930305 5632
   Desc: #2 in a series of 1 page comics
11490 GG PRTRT.1  S.FREEDLINE 930305 3584
   Desc: #1 in series of 1 page comics
11487 GG MOM88.2  S.FREEDLINE 930304 3072
   Desc: A FOX Mom's Day Greeting
11486 GG MOM88.1  S.FREEDLINE 930304 4352
   Desc: A FOX Mom's Day Greeting
11485 GG MESSIAH  S.FREEDLINE 930304 3968
   Desc: 'Messiah' album cover
11484 GG JOETOON  S.FREEDLINE 930304 3712
   Desc: A Cartoon of Joe Ekaitis
11483 GG INVNTNS  S.FREEDLINE 930304 3584
   Desc: Carlo in Silhouette
11482 GG HALLWEEN  S.FREEDLINE 930304 7040
   Desc: Excellent FOX Halloween Picture
11481 GG FUGUE  S.FREEDLINE 930304 7296
   Desc: Raccoon on a LP Cover
11480 GG HOOTERS  S.FREEDLINE 930304 4736
   Desc: It's not what you think :)
11479 GG FXNOV25  S.FREEDLINE 930304 4096
   Desc: A FOX Thanksgiving
11478 GG FX.LOVE  S.FREEDLINE 930304 4352
   Desc: A FOX Valentine Greeting
11477 GG FOXILLUSN  S.FREEDLINE 930304 2432
   Desc: A FOX optical illusion
11476 GG FXAUCTION  S.FREEDLINE 930304 3456
   Desc: THE FOX as an auctioneer.
11475 GG FOX ARTST  S.FREEDLINE 930304 3584
   Desc: THE FOX dressed as an artist
11474 GG FOXFINALE  S.FREEDLINE 930304 3840
   Desc: THE FOX waves goodbye
11473 GG FOXARTLSN  S.FREEDLINE 930304 2688
   Desc: How to draw T.H.E. FOX
11472 GG FIRWORX  S.FREEDLINE 930304 8576
   Desc: Carlo lights a Huge firecracker
11471 GG E.RIDDLE  S.FREEDLINE 930303 4608
   Desc: THE FOX's Easter Riddle
11470 GG COY.SWING  S.FREEDLINE 930303 3712
   Desc: Carlo on a swing
11469 GG 976 RATZ  S.FREEDLINE 930303 4736
   Desc: A FOX Consumer Tip
11468 GG SLAYSME  S.FREEDLINE 930303 5632
   Desc: Meet Dippity Dragon
11467 GG FR.TOONTWN  S.FREEDLINE 930303 6144
   Desc: A Mad Giant Roger Rabbit
11457 GG FOXBDAY  S.FREEDLINE 930228 5248
   Desc: A FOX Birthday Card
11456 GG TRENCHCTS  S.FREEDLINE 930228 5760
   Desc: Thaddeus Fox - Private Eye
11455 GG TOONMATH  S.FREEDLINE 930228 6144
   Desc: Carlo adds up to Roger Rabbit
11454 GG FOXMOVIE  S.FREEDLINE 930228 6272
   Desc: FOX & BUNN E. in a movie ad
11453 GG RVRJONES  S.FREEDLINE 930228 5504
   Desc: FOX movie ad
11452 GG OHCHUTE  S.FREEDLINE 930228 6016
   Desc: THE FOX is airborne
11451 GG PICTURES  S.FREEDLINE 930228 8448
   Desc: Pictures at an Exhibition
11450 GG PARKRNGR  S.FREEDLINE 930228 4864
   Desc: Grizzly as a Park Ranger
11449 GG ORGAN  S.FREEDLINE 930228 6016
   Desc: Raccoon on Bach LP
11448 GG NINTH  S.FREEDLINE 930228 7296
   Desc: Carlo on Beethoven album cover
11447 GG NEWWORLD  S.FREEDLINE 930228 5504
   Desc: Carlo on another LP cover
11446 GG MOUSE  S.FREEDLINE 930228 5632
   Desc: It's just a *tiny* mouse.
11445 GG RTR_FOX  S.FREEDLINE 930228 4864
   Desc: Bunn E. and Fox on a Rocking Horse
11444 GG WOLF  S.FREEDLINE 930228 3584
   Desc: A GIANT Wolf
11443 GG WATER  S.FREEDLINE 930228 5888
   Desc: Carlo on an LP Cover
11442 GG TIMBERS  S.FREEDLINE 930228 7680
   Desc: Grey Fox on a cold winter night
11441 GG SPRKLFOX  S.FREEDLINE 930228 3712
   Desc: The Fox enjoying some sparklers.
11440 GG ROGER AND WHO  S.FREEDLINE 930228 5504
   Desc: Roger Rabbit and the Fox
   Desc: Bunn E. prepares for a feast
11438 GG THE FOX  S.FREEDLINE 930228 6144
   Desc: The Fox upclose
11437 GG RIDDLE  S.FREEDLINE 930228 4864
   Desc: A Mousey Riddle.
11436 GG MERRYGOFOX  S.FREEDLINE 930228 4864
   Desc: A FOX Merry-Go-Round
11290 GG 6TH  S.FREEDLINE 930226 8192
   Desc: Carlo in an ad for Beethoven's 6th
11289 GG FOX_EAR  S.FREEDLINE 930226 5376
   Desc: A Terrier attacking T.H.E. FOX
11288 GG 100 FOXES  S.FREEDLINE 930226 5760
   Desc: An EXCELLENT Ad for T.H.E. FOX.
11287 GG LP COVER  S.FREEDLINE 930226 4736
   Desc: T.H.E. FOX on an album cover.
11286 GG WAITER!  S.FREEDLINE 930226 2688
   Desc: Panda working as a Waiter
11285 GG QUADFOX  S.FREEDLINE 930226 6656
   Desc: A FOX of each color!
11284 GG AH!  S.FREEDLINE 930226 4480
   Desc: Bunn E. giving Bear a Rose
11283 GG CA.GRIZZ  S.FREEDLINE 930226 3712
   Desc: Grizzly Bear on the Beach
11282 GG TIMBER!  S.FREEDLINE 930226 5760
   Desc: Gray Fox as a Lumberjack
11281 GG SINGER  S.FREEDLINE 930226 5120
   Desc: A Coyote with a Howling good song.
11246 GG SPARKLER  S.FREEDLINE 930225 7680
   Desc: Raccoon with a Sparkler
11245 GG SKUNK!!!  S.FREEDLINE 930225 3968
   Desc: Help! A GIANT Skunk
11244 GG TEKNIFOX  S.FREEDLINE 930225 5888
   Desc: THE FOX models a blue jacket
11243 GG STRINGS  S.FREEDLINE 930225 6400
   Desc: A Skunk String Quintet
11242 GG BALLOONS  S.FREEDLINE 930225 3200
   Desc: THE FOX carrying balloons
11240 GG CAROLEER  S.FREEDLINE 930225 7552
   Desc: FOX & Friends Xmas Caroling
11239 GG CARLO  S.FREEDLINE 930225 5120
   Desc: Carlo posing in front of piano
11238 GG NITEHARP  S.FREEDLINE 930225 7168
   Desc: Fox plays harp in front of moon.
11222 GG ARTIST  S.FREEDLINE 930223 5632
   Desc: Fox & Mouse painting a rainbow
10347 GGFOXSE189A  T.FOX5 921026 6144
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox (tm) for Livewire.
10346 GGFOXOX189  T.FOX5 921026 5504
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox (tm) for Livewire.
10345 GGFOXAP189  T.FOX5 921026 5120
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox (tm) for Livewire.
10344 GGFOXAP489  T.FOX5 921026 6144
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox (tm) for Livewire.
10343 GGFOXMA189  T.FOX5 921026 5888
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox (tm) for Livewire.
10342 GGFOXJL189  T.FOX5 921026 5888
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox (tm) for Livewire.
10341 GGFOXMA489  T.FOX5 921026 6144
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox (tm) for Livewire.
8980 GGFOXJL4  T.FOX5 910622 4608
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8979 GGFOXJL3  T.FOX5 910622 4096
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8978 GGFOXJL2  T.FOX5 910622 4352
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8977 GGFOXJL1  T.FOX5 910622 4224
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8942 GGFOXJU4  T.FOX5 910609 3840
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8941 GGFOXJU3  T.FOX5 910609 3968
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8940 GGFOXJU2  T.FOX5 910609 5248
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8939 GGFOXJU1  T.FOX5 910609 4864
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8927 GGFOXMA5  T.FOX5 910601 5120
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8926 GGFOXMA4  T.FOX5 910601 4224
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8925 GGFOXMA3  T.FOX5 910601 4224
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8924 GGFOXMA2  T.FOX5 910601 4096
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8923 GGFOXMA1  T.FOX5 910601 4352
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8922 GGFOXAP4  T.FOX5 910601 4224
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8921 GGFOXAP3  T.FOX5 910601 3328
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8920 GGFOXAP2  T.FOX5 910601 3968
   Desc: "T.H.E. Fox" by Joe Ekaitis
8919 GGFOXAP1  T.FOX5 910601 3584
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox by Joe Ekaitis
8907 GGARTIST  JBEE 910526 5632
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox
8883 GGFOXSE589  JBEE 910518 5888
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox comic strip
8882 GGFOXSE389  JBEE 910518 5376
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox comic strip
8881 GGFOXSE289  JBEE 910518 6528
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox comic strip
8880 GGFOXSE189  JBEE 910518 6144
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox comic strip
8834 GGFOXOC187  JBEE 910504 4608
   Desc: T.H.E. Fox comic strip


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